Rock hard, and toned!!!


Three things you definitely eat (otherwise you don't get to 25% fat), but MUST avoid :

1 no alcohol
2 no sweets (no candy, no sportdrinks, sugar drinks like coke, fanta, etc)
3 no pizza's, hamburgers and other fast food.

besides that : I'd avoid potatoes as well, and get my carbs from wheat pasta and brown rice. Protein mainly from chicken but other meat is fine as well. Don't worry to much about fat intake (with exeption of fast food). Eat a lot of vegetables as well and drink a lot of water.

That's pretty much it. Sounds difficult, but it's quite easy. It's all about changing nasty habits. Once you change the habit, you change your body. It's that simple.

If i were you, i'd first change my eating habits and once you have mastered this, only then add in the cardio and/or lifting.

edit: i any case, there is no need to starve yourself. Eat, but do it healthy. Although it might not be very political correct of me to say it, but I've never met a fat guy with a healthy diet.
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