Roids and your doctor

period being dont trust anyone bro. dont tell the doc shit unless u know u fucked. lie unless your sure of some damage to your body. ive taken juice since age 17... liver val. and blood test alot man ...
Yeah, I agree with the guys.

I am an old 42 and have been there and done that and seen a lot.

Don't tell your doc a thing.

Now on the other hand if you consider your doc a frien meaning you have known him as long as i know mine 'since 11" then talk to him especially when you built his computers and network. lol

One thing I will tell you is that he does what is safe for both of us and will just write one thing at a time and for an extended time. This does 2 things. It dose not sound the sirens and allows you to amass a lot of the stuff.

He then a few munths later will write for something else for a while doing the samething

This is a good way not to get caught and keep your doc in the loop, the pit fall is that it takes a long time to amass you stash. Fortunaly he has a friend that is a rheumatologist who gives me decca for my knees as I have had surgeries.

I find an important thing is to use your use different birth dates and different addresses so the dea does not catch on.

This is what I do along with getting alot of stuff from other sources, I do not advocate this , but it works for me.