hey guys good board! need some new ideas..have done 5 cycles in the past last one a year ago gonna hit it hard in a month wanted some good advise..6foot, 180lbs, 26yrs, 8%bf..ok assume i have unlimited ammounts of these. wanna get 225lbs not going over 10%bf
omnas (jefla)
dbol (thai)
deca (norma)
winny 50mg ea.(ip)
abombs 50mg ea.(ip)
i have a shitload of all of these so what would you guys do with all this for a few cycles i would like to plan at least 4 cycles from what i have..here is what i am thinking for the first one..thanks for people who wanna take the time to respond..
omna 250mg mon and thrs 10 weeks
dbol 30mg first 5 weeks
deca last 8 weeks 400mg per week
omnas (jefla)
dbol (thai)
deca (norma)
winny 50mg ea.(ip)
abombs 50mg ea.(ip)
i have a shitload of all of these so what would you guys do with all this for a few cycles i would like to plan at least 4 cycles from what i have..here is what i am thinking for the first one..thanks for people who wanna take the time to respond..
omna 250mg mon and thrs 10 weeks
dbol 30mg first 5 weeks
deca last 8 weeks 400mg per week