rookie needing new ideas with these


New member
hey guys good board! need some new ideas..have done 5 cycles in the past last one a year ago gonna hit it hard in a month wanted some good advise..6foot, 180lbs, 26yrs, 8%bf..ok assume i have unlimited ammounts of these. wanna get 225lbs not going over 10%bf

omnas (jefla)
dbol (thai)
deca (norma)
winny 50mg ea.(ip)
abombs 50mg ea.(ip)
i have a shitload of all of these so what would you guys do with all this for a few cycles i would like to plan at least 4 cycles from what i is what i am thinking for the first one..thanks for people who wanna take the time to respond..

omna 250mg mon and thrs 10 weeks
dbol 30mg first 5 weeks
deca last 8 weeks 400mg per week
Let us know what your previous cycles have consisted of. It will help us draw some cycles up.

Oh and gaining 38lbs of LBM (the exact # to get from 180 @ 8% to 225 @ 10%) will take at least 3 cycles but much more likely 5+ to reach that goal if you've already done 5 cycles in the past.
mvmaxx said:
Oh and gaining 38lbs of LBM (the exact # to get from 180 @ 8% to 225 @ 10%) will take at least 3 cycles but much more likely 5+ to reach that goal if you've already done 5 cycles in the past.

Way to tell it like it is. You rarely hear truths like that anywhere else.
Diet is the only way!! Even if gear gets you to that weight, you must sustain the weight with calories! You will be far past your genetic potential and food is the only way to keep it!
youve done 5 cycles and your weight is only 180lbs how much did you weigh when you started juicing?.are you doing things right?or just slacked off for the whole year?no dis respect intended.

thanks guys, i have done dbol, deca and test in all my cycles. the test maxed out at 500mg per week, deca 400mg per week and dbol 30mg per day. i started out at 150lbs and reached 210lbs at 7%bf but i had a real bad car accident that set me back for a year or so. lawnsaver my diet is on key i usually lose bf during my cycles.mvmaxx i have plenty of juice so 5 cycles is no problem. any recomendations here guys..thank again
sorry to hear about the accident.heres a suggestion.

1-12 omna 500 mgs
1-12 deca 400 mgs
1-4 or 6 d-bol at 30-40 mgs

cant suggest about ip's Winstrol (winny) or bombs.
but Winstrol (winny) would be in there for the last 4-6 weeks.its similar to your previous cyycles but youve been off for a year.
its gonna be a great cycle whatever you decide to do bro.goodluck!

looks like a solid cycle bro, appreciate the reply..would you suggest this cycle 1 time or run it for a few cycles..i will throw the Winstrol (winny) in the second cycle prolly and the anadrol..would replace dbol with ana in the second though
hey bro about ip's(chinamans) Winstrol (winny) and a-bombs cant say too much about them(i'm sure theres plenty here who's used them)and i dont know why noone else has replied so far about them.

going as far as 5 cycles honestly couldnt tell you.we would have to factor in how much time off inbetwwen your cycle,how much you gained(how good this first cycle went),how good the d-bol and Winstrol (winny) is etc etc.
lets hear what someone have to say about chinamans (ip's) bombs and Winstrol (winny) are.
but regardless planning 5 cycles ahead would be impossiable for me.

my buddy is on the Winstrol (winny) and drol he loves them both, but i know it depends on that particilar batch..i don't expect anyone here to layout 5 cycles just wanted different ideas, thanks for the replys though guys..i have ip's masteron also but i heard that is pretty shity also..
VegasBoy said:
hey bro about ip's(chinamans) Winstrol (winny) and a-bombs cant say too much about them(i'm sure theres plenty here who's used them)and i dont know why noone else has replied so far about them.

That about sums it up for me concerning the IP's. Next time I get Winstrol (winny) tabs I'll get the PeruTech. They're more expensive but you get what you pay for.
The orange D-bols I used are certainly fully dosed and FULLY effective. Can't say the same about ANY of his other shitty products.
dodah said:
i heard if you double the regular dose with ip products that helps..

The problem is that you never know what you're getting. One batch could test at 47mg's per tab and the other could test less than 20mg's per tab. It's a crap shoot and I'd rather go with a brand that has better quality controls like Perutech. Ask any of the mods about PeruTech winny.
Juice Authority said:
The problem is that you never know what you're getting. One batch could test at 47mg's per tab and the other could test less than 20mg's per tab. It's a crap shoot and I'd rather go with a brand that has better quality controls like Perutech. Ask any of the mods about PeruTech Winstrol (winny). [/QUOTE

thats for sure JA.

doohdah bad idea bro.