RPN Havoc Super Fatigue


New member
So I'm 2 weeks and 4 days into my Havoc cycle. I've ran this cycle before (it was my first ever) and I didn't feel this fatigued last time (I went up to 40mg last time)

I'm dosing at 30/40/40/50/50/50 so currently doing 40mg/per day.

I'm thinking my body possibly still needs time to adjust to dosage. I'm pretty certain it is the Havoc as 30 minutes - 1 hour after taking the pills I feel like sleeping.

Do you guys have any advice on what I could take to counter this fatigue?

Stats - 22, 6ft, 211lb, 10-12% bf, Currently cutting (Aiming for 1.5lb per week and I'm quite certain the fatigue isn't due to cutting as I have never felt like this before while cutting)
Is havoc the same as epistane? I ran epistane a few years back and had incredible strength gains but I was feeling exhausted on it. I don't know the reason why it makes you tired. Could it be due to aromatization?
Yea It's Epi, I was thinking aromatization. I have no major signs of elevated E2 (My signs tend to be bloated face and puffy nipples). I haven't noticed massive strength gains as of yet but I do remember the first time I ran Havoc that it did take around 3 weeks to see gains, that's why this time I've extended the cycle to 6 weeks.
epi is supposed to alleviate gyno symptoms. As long as you're making gains that's all that matters. Maybe add a preworkout prior to workouts.