RUI Tamox/Nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) alone? Should I add Clomi?


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RUI Tamox/Nolva for PCT alone? Should I add Clomi?

Ok look, I'm not new at this stuff, but I'm also not a vet like some here and I have a couple questions I hope some one can help me with.

1) I have been reading recently that Tamox AND Clomid should be used for post cycle therapy (pct) because togeather they work better? Is this true or am I pissing money away by using both?

2) I read that only Tamox is needed? (what I have always done in passed) Is it not enough?

3) I have not used RUI's Tamox yet and am just wondering if quality is as good as the peps and CIA ? (what I have used, and so far so good)

4) I only have Tamox on hand but if I get Clomi would I dose both a bit lower? How would you use both?

THANK YOU for any help guys!
I think there is ample evidence to suppoor the use of both. Dr Michael Scally , probably the foremost expert on treating steroid induced andropause (shut down) suggests both. I have used both and find I recovered better than when , years ago , i just used clomid.
I would dose like this: Nolva 40/20/20/20 and clomid 70/35/35/35.
If your cycke contains deca you may wish to extend the nolva 1-2 more weeks. Just nolva. That is what I have done and it seems to help. Deca is a tough one to recover from.
using nolva and clomid at the same time is for like heavy cycles of tren and other compounds stacked with tren. I only use nolvadex for post cycle therapy (pct) and test booster like DAA You will be fine with just nolvadex and I have never used RUI nolvadex or anything i get mine from somewhere else. Just look up the reviews of RUI serms