Running a cylcle while on HRT?


I am banned!
I am currently taking test cyp 200mg per week for HRT. I am looking to run test E 500mg per week and winstrol 30mg per day for 2 months. My question is should I stop my HRT while doing this or run it with it? My thinking is the cyp is replacing what my body is not creating and shouldn't be stopped while on the cycle. So if I had normal test levels running the cycle alone would be fine. But I don't hence continuing HRT while I'm on the cycle. Please chime in and let me know what you guys think and what you do when you run cycles while on HRT. Thanks a million guys!
I would say stop the cyp or you will be taking 700mgs of test a week...Does not matter if it's cyp or Test E...Test is Test..Then when you finish blasting go back to your 200mgs of test a week...

when your running a cycle I'd run a Aromatase inhibitor (AI), since you will be running more gear more of it will convert. The other thing is this, if you are at 200mg of test-c a week to be at normal levels then 500mg of test-e or what ever you run will only be like running 300 since 200 of it is use to get you to a normal level. So I'd run 700mg I know it seems higher BUT when guys with no HRT issues do it they have their natural test lvls ON TOP of what they are injecting lol. Its like our glass is fully empty so we need to put more in to get it full vs a normal guy with a glass half full doesn't need to put in as much to get the same result. If that makes sense?? Now as far as post cycle therapy (pct) goes I'm not sure what you'd do with that maybe someone else with more experience can help out? But since you won't need to wait for your nads to kick back in since you will be going back to the 200mg a week of test-c I say just run a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during your cycle to keep your estro down, then once your done your cycle and resume HRT you should be good, maybe run clomid for like only 2 weeks or so just to get estro lvls down. Maybe like 100-50 should work out, if anyone has anything to add to my post feel free.
I have to disagree. When a man who is not having to take Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) begins taking steroids his natural production of testosterone decreases, hence the shrunken testicles. The testicles are where normal testosterone is produced. When the steroid cycle is stoped the natural production of testosterone resumes and you will notice that the shrinkage disappears or they become normal size again. Now, this is not to discourage you from taking the cyp and Enanthate at the same time some body builders that are extreme take upwards of 1000mg test in a week... on a cycle of course. I would suggest doing some more research on the way testosterone works in conjunction with estrogen levels while on HRT. That way you can avoid the most embarrasing side effect of steroids ---> gynocimastia (Man Boobs). Unfortunately that is something that I will have to correct with surgery ($3,000) and insurance does not cover it because it is considered "cosmetic". Anyway just some food for thought.
when your running a cycle I'd run a Aromatase inhibitor (AI), since you will be running more gear more of it will convert. The other thing is this, if you are at 200mg of test-c a week to be at normal levels then 500mg of test-e or what ever you run will only be like running 300 since 200 of it is use to get you to a normal level. So I'd run 700mg I know it seems higher BUT when guys with no Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) issues do it they have their natural test lvls ON TOP of what they are injecting lol. Its like our glass is fully empty so we need to put more in to get it full vs a normal guy with a glass half full doesn't need to put in as much to get the same result. If that makes sense?? Now as far as PCT goes I'm not sure what you'd do with that maybe someone else with more experience can help out? But since you won't need to wait for your nads to kick back in since you will be going back to the 200mg a week of test-c I say just run a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during your cycle to keep your estro down, then once your done your cycle and resume Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) you should be good, maybe run clomid for like only 2 weeks or so just to get estro lvls down. Maybe like 100-50 should work out, if anyone has anything to add to my post feel free.

Kinda disagree too. The test doesn't bump your test up from a baseline. It shuts off test production altogther so EVERYONE starts at zero and THEN bumps up. So anyone on or off testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) would have the same test level with the same amount of test. You are not starting at 300 test level and adding to it - you are starting at 0 and adding to it. Your natural test production will be shut down immediately. Make sense? Having said that, 500/week is PLENTY of test for great results. 700 is crazy for a rookie who is asking basic questions (no offense intended). Run the test for 12 weeks and use the 60 days of WInny the LAST 8 weeks of that cycle - don't use it the first 4 weeks until you get levels up (takes 4-5 weeks). Its a waste - use at end of cycle. You will be most happy. I do, however, agree with him on the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and that you just go back to Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) when done - and I would do the clomid as well.