when your running a cycle I'd run a Aromatase inhibitor (AI), since you will be running more gear more of it will convert. The other thing is this, if you are at 200mg of test-c a week to be at normal levels then 500mg of test-e or what ever you run will only be like running 300 since 200 of it is use to get you to a normal level. So I'd run 700mg I know it seems higher BUT when guys with no Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) issues do it they have their natural test lvls ON TOP of what they are injecting lol. Its like our glass is fully empty so we need to put more in to get it full vs a normal guy with a glass half full doesn't need to put in as much to get the same result. If that makes sense?? Now as far as PCT goes I'm not sure what you'd do with that maybe someone else with more experience can help out? But since you won't need to wait for your nads to kick back in since you will be going back to the 200mg a week of test-c I say just run a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during your cycle to keep your estro down, then once your done your cycle and resume Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) you should be good, maybe run clomid for like only 2 weeks or so just to get estro lvls down. Maybe like 100-50 should work out, if anyone has anything to add to my post feel free.