I'm 10 weeks in a cycle will running a high dose of winny get me shredders from now to new years eve where I'd like to look my best. My body fat is low can't figure a percentage but I can see my abs.
ur gonna run a high dose of winny for like what 7 day s ? To make urself shred ? Y not just fast as to lose any real fat in 7 day s is a physiological impossibility . U d have more luck with a diuretic but with as limited the information u gave the only answer I can give you is you clearly have not an inkling of how to use winny. No offense but it s not magic. It s more of a dryig agent for advanced bbders than a fat burning compound.
W o a pic this is academically impossible to postulate anything but that it s a bad idea-from Jump street. U want to get shredded to------party like a mad man attend a pool party or ....orgey...w t h is up my man.
Well he did say he could see his ab s Boss b4 New Year s eve so he should be counting veign s coming up from the lower ab. wall by now.....
Or did you go bust OP ?
Shot ur wad and lost interest already ? 1 week winny run...Diary of a Wimpy (winny ) kid ..my kid love s that book series humour and I this....U R a funny guy OP. Please show ur self or make me humble..lord know s I need an ass kicking. Been to long.
The Winstrol for that short of time will do nothing. Give us a picture. Diet will bring out your abs. Ride a stationary bike and sweat with burning the fat off.
Oh I didn't see what the high dose you are running. Back in my day I would run 100mgs of pharm grade vet gear. I would run it straight through the show.
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