Running AM/AH soon. Questions first


New member
23 yrs old
195 lbs
15-20 % BF ??

only body fat seems to be in lower abs.

I'm going to run Andromass and Androhard together for 8 weeks.

Andromass at max dosage for 8 weeks and Androhard at max dosage for 8 weeks.

Anyone gone higher than max dosage on Andromass or Androhard ? What kind of side effects are to be seen on higher dosage ?

PCT is still up in the air right now. I was thinking clomid at a low dose combined with PP TRS + DAA.

What can one expect to gain from a semi lean bulk such as this ?

** I did do a search but it is hard to see past all the marketing bullshit. **
can't answer your questions sorry, but i'm in the same boat as you in regards to stats (bf only in the gut, haha) so I wish you all the luck!
23 yrs old
195 lbs
15-20 % BF ??

only body fat seems to be in lower abs.

I'm going to run Andromass and Androhard together for 8 weeks.

Andromass at max dosage for 8 weeks and Androhard at max dosage for 8 weeks.

Anyone gone higher than max dosage on Andromass or Androhard ? What kind of side effects are to be seen on higher dosage ?

post cycle therapy (pct) is still up in the air right now. I was thinking clomid at a low dose combined with PP TRS + DAA.

What can one expect to gain from a semi lean bulk such as this ?

** I did do a search but it is hard to see past all the marketing bullshit. **

Your post cycle therapy (pct) looks good bro. From what ive seen of people upping their dose, not much in terms of negative sides are observed. Your gains if your diet and training is on point should look good: 10+lbs with good strength gains.
A lean bulk will be great. We've seen recomping from Andromass and from Androhard. At that bodyfat % I doubt you would gain much more unless your diet was really off.
Just saw your question about higher dosed Androhard. I've dosed it at 6,9,12 caps a day. It works very well at all of these, however 9 would be as high as I'd go. 12 doesn't yield that much more effect, but it dose take a lot of servings from the bottle.
so two bottles at 9 caps for 6 weeks? I'm thinking AndroMass for 6 weeks with the same dosage along with the AH< waiting on the sale:)