Are orals worth it if I can reach the goals I want without? Always wanted to try clen.
depends on what ARE your goals? getting lean? suppressing appettite? getting a strong kick for an intense workout? adding strengt and or mass?
i can speak for what i have used wich are clen, eca and anavar ( also proviron but it's useless for what i will talk about here )
so getting lean : clen is probably the strongest thing here, followed by both anvar and eca at roughly the same power exept var needs a higher dose to be effective that way and it's stupid imo to use it pureley for a kick or appetite supprression, so all in all i say eca wins here. IF you can tollerate the sides, wich are not as strong or bad as both clen and anavar BUT are infinetly more annoying socially ( anxiety,aggression due to constant tension,prolem sleeping at high does etc. )
appettite suppression : pound for pound anavar wins here BUT as i said to use it ONLY for this is stupid since it IS the only one of the three to be liver toxic ( yeah mildly, but clen and eca are not at all so ) eca is a close second, and in fact for me it wins here too. clen does absolutly nothing for me here.
strenght and or kick as a preworkout: again ,porvided you runn it long enough and at moderatley high doses var wins this too, BUT you guessed it right? not worth it. eca does almost nothing for strenght all aroung BUT it's a very good pre workout and has WAY less tedious sides ( physically ) than var. again clen does nothing for me here.
so fo0r me i would run eca every time i possibly can find a use for it ( wich is almost always ) at moderate doses, run var ONLY when i'm doing a cycle entirely buildt around it and never alone or only with test ( done this mistake my very first cycle, good resoults, but they pale in comparison of what i'm doing now WITHOUT it AND with probably even less sides than before, wich were already almost nothing at all)
and leave clen alone. it's simply not worth it to shed that little fat a bit faster when it does nothing else for you AND since it does not suppress appetite very mutch it could actually be HARDER for you to loose weight anyway since you will be tempted more often by hunger.
now to add actuall muscle mass with orals? i don't know, maybe with extreame dosages of var ( 100 + mlg a day ) it can be possible to put on a good amount of libs but it will be very costly and i can't immagine the cramps above 80 mlg wich is what i used at the max ( and they were fucking strong let me tell you, one time i was running and i had crmps on both my quads at the same time, i fell like a rag doll to the ground on the street with excruciating pain and paralysis to both my legs wich lasted for a good 4-5 minutes)
one of the worst things i experienced in my life. i broke a leg once and if you know how does that feel well the pain was similar i assure you. only to BOTH of your legs at once, immagine that. eca and clen cannot make you gain any size at all no matter the doses as far as i know
that all i can tell you about this 3 things right now