Running Oral Test P/Helladrol/Albuterol

Currently eating a high fat breakfast, 2 of the same lunches, a random dinner moderate with fats, and my post workout tuna sandwich with protein shake. I just want to get it down pat at home before I start adding more cals in, because honestly all I need to do is add 2 servings of veggies per meal, and I should hit around 3500 cals ed, protein is already high enough.
Did you get any bloodwork done before or will you after?

Funny thing is that I have to get a prolactin test done (been putting it off for the last month), so I can get a free blood test right where I need it, doctor's gonna be like WHOA.
Well my Helladrol "may" not be coming as fast as I would have hoped, if its here next week I'll start it, if not, I'm going to be taking it for weeks 7-12. I have taken Helladrol before, I took it at 75/75/100/100/125/150, when I hit 150 I started getting sides like crazy, Exploding Acne was one of them, I totally wouldn't recommend going over 100, unless you love pimples that explode and become more pimples, extremely painful. I'm planning on running 100 right on through.

To throw in some extra calories, I thought it might be easier for me to go back to the dreaded bulk protein shakes, except this time, I'm going to dish out some cash and get Quick Mass (1100 cals without milk), and pound a shake down first thing when I wake up, I could never really afford it before. I plan on adding a granola bar to each meal, so with the extra bar and the morning shake I can break 4000cal a day and still be on a quite healthy diet. Just this morning after I woke up I just stopped and stared at myself in the mirror for a few minutes and I look like a beast in just such a short time.

Bumping Albuterol up to 15mg/day when I get back to work, I figure if I'm going to be pounding more carbs down, I should up it enough that I actually notice it all day, its more sweaty madness at work, and less shaky hands. Plus I got to dose myself with Benadryl everyday next week.
why not run hella at 75mg as the 100 does more sides than anything...especially since you are already on test. Also it dries you out (which the test should help) but take 4g of fish oil just in case (Muscle Pharm Core Series Fish Oil)

By the way, anabolic innovations makes amazing on cycle products such as cycle support 2.0:

Orbit Nutrition - Buy Anabolic Innovations Cycle Support

Thx my elbows have been killing me, especially when I plank for core, probably just get some EHA/DHA Organic Fish Oil when I get home.
I guess I'd just be curious to see test levels

They should be up from where I was, I was low, low, low, I was taking test blockers (hyper-critical saw palmetto) for my wife, supplemented with some crazy Chinese shit that helps your prostate while increasing libido, Prostate 5LX, because I've been suffering from hyper-sexuality and sex addiction, and I wanted to show her that I was willing to take the steps to cure myself, or else she would have otherwise left me.

I personally consider this a "weakening" cycle, I've taken phytoestrogens prior to running cycles in the past, they are very good for you, wouldn't recommend anyone to try them, you know, use at your own risk, but I have the drive to go to the gym regardless of how lethargic I am, its kind of like a temporary de-motivator, if I can lift hard when I'm weak, I can lift harder when I'm not.

I'm expecting a fair jump, nothing crazy, my expectations for orals and their bioavailability are quite low, but since Test Prop has a short ester, you can expect a more sudden increase testosterone.
Nothing new, seems like everything is on schedule for week 4, got a whole load of Quick Mass coming, wrapping up Week 2. Been tapping into my adrenaline a lot lately around my second set, I feel like I want to go more, but I know from past experience that its best to just do 3 sets instead of being insanely sore the next day. Squats were bizarrely easy the other day, I usually struggle, at least a little, with 35's, it was like perfect form on the way down and up with ease, did my 3 sets in under 20 min.

Saw a high elevation training mask in a UFC magazine, I wanted it, it would help me take my high intensity to the next level, help turn me into a champion. Really starting to notice my building, can't wait to see how Helladrol goes, and see how bulking can help me break my 199lb threshold.
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Funny thing is that I have to get a prolactin test done (been putting it off for the last month), so I can get a free blood test right where I need it, doctor's gonna be like WHOA.

I'd be interested to see testosterone levels
I'd be interested to see testosterone levels

Someone's desperate for posts.

I'm noting that when my wife is off with me, it is otherwise impossible to follow my own diet, we have to eat out almost every meal, but its only 4 days every two months, so I'm sure a spur of cheats isn't as bad as it could be. Getting bloods tomorrow, not sure how not working out for a couple days is going to affect my test levels, but legs are sore from all the driving.
Testosterone overload today. I started taking Mr Supps D-Test Power Bites prior to my workouts on top of my regular BCAA's/Caffeine, plus just started my Helladrol today too, got a raging head rush/minor headache going right now, heading off to the gym. Got all my delicious Quick Mass for my mornings too, who knew 1100cals could taste so delicious. I stopped taking albuterol for my days off, but when I was off, I was taking 15mg/day and NOT taking benadryl and the effects will more pronounced than they were before.

Get my bloods back in two weeks when I get home.
Explosive workout, did all 3 sets in under 20min, feel like I could go more, but with minimal rest I know I will only hurt myself if I do anymore. Hopped on the scale and wow, gained 10lbs in the last week, where did it go? I look exactly the same.
Gained 15lbs in the last 10 days, I hopped on the scale after my workout and I couldn't believe I was 192lbs already, only Week 4, I was going to just take Quick Mass only on workout days, but I'm gonna drink it every day now. Running Helladrol alongside test is incredible, I can already notice the sides and its only been 3 days, it usually takes at least 3 weeks to feel anything from Helladrol, and I can push through workouts with even less rest without doing drop sets. I added 70lbs (185lbs total) onto my squats and farm walking 140lbs was a breeze.
Bumped up my deadlift to 275, couldn't do all 3 circuits, did 2 full circuits, then had to quit deadlifts for the night and finish the circuit because my hands were mangled from the weight increase, I now understand the use of talcum powder, its not that the weight is too heavy, its just so hard to get a good grip on the bar. Staying steady at 190 leaning up, good sign. This makes a good end to Week 4.
Closing in on the halfway mark, been feeling absolutely fantastic the last few days aside from the mild head ache here and there. Decided to drop albuterol, I'm picking up a EC stack instead because my wife wants to run it with me and I can get a full 3 month cycle for both of us for forty bones and we get all the free coffee we want at work anyway. Squatted 225 yesterday just for shits, to see if I could do it, surprisingly its only a 90% max for me, this powerlifting stuff is fun, I always doubted it, so easy to gain strength.
Closing in on the halfway mark, been feeling absolutely fantastic the last few days aside from the mild head ache here and there. Decided to drop albuterol, I'm picking up a EC stack instead because my wife wants to run it with me and I can get a full 3 month cycle for both of us for forty bones and we get all the free coffee we want at work anyway. Squatted 225 yesterday just for shits, to see if I could do it, surprisingly its only a 90% max for me, this powerlifting stuff is fun, I always doubted it, so easy to gain strength.

happy to hear it.