S4 & OSTA stack, Sarms Search Swag

Yesterday done legs. Only had an hour so I went in and killed n it as hard as I could. Didn't keep count of sets.

hex bar squats
Hack squats
seated calve raises. ... a lot and heavy

I was aiming for doing as much damage as I could in a short time so my wieght was light with lots of reps.
Yesterday done legs. Only had an hour so I went in and killed n it as hard as I could. Didn't keep count of sets.

hex bar squats
Hack squats
seated calve raises. ... a lot and heavy

I was aiming for doing as much damage as I could in a short time so my wieght was light with lots of reps.

Ahhh the good ol bezerker workout! Just go in and tear shit up!
Well I know it's supposed to be a cut...scold me I know...but I've gained 10 good lbs and have gotten hell of strong. So i been slacking the cardio I admit. I normally do a lazy diet and carb cycle toward the end to finish up, I'll prob just go straight into carb cycling in the next couple days being I'm a weeks behind where I wanna be in body fat but my fault I got addicted to the quick gain I was making. Discipline is key.

Arrr i keep trying to upload a pic
I was bored and not really sore so yesterday i went in and done arms. Bis and tris the done 20 minuets on the elliptical. My shoulders have literally exploded and my arms are doing pretty well also. Started around 205. And yesterday weighed in at 216 all I've done is eat the same and have done less cardio.

3 sets reverse grip french curls
3 sets dips
3 sets triceps extention machine
3 sets tricep extentions dumbell
4 sets push downs
4 sets rope pull downs

3 sets pull ups
4 sets hammer curls
4 sets reverse grip ezcurl bar
5 sets ezcurl bar curls
4 sets dumbell curls
2 sets barbell curls
The main thing I'm noticing as time goes on is endurance keeps climbing. As i improve its like the S4 keeps giving an edge for the workout. I was a few days behind so i went to the gym early morning and hit legs. Then went back late afternoon and hit back. On my own that would've been impossible I'm healing crazy fast at this point, 2 days off and everything is healed up and ready to be worked again.

15 minuets elliptical

4 sets of heavy squats
4 sets of leg press
2 sets hack squats

I'd never done pause squats before so I tried them out. I done 3 with 315, I barely got up the last time. They are a lot harder then I thought. By the end of the cycle I'll see if I can add a few reps to a set.

I'll start focusing on leg extentions more to bring out some more definition. My size is good at this point but i think i lack the cuts.

my second workout later in the day

4 sets of late pull downs
3 sets of rows
3 sets of front barbell shrugs
2 sets of back barbell shrugs
6 sets of dumbell shrugs......sucks my gym only goes up to 100lb dumbells
3 sets reverse flys

3 sets wide grip cable curls
3 sets machine curls
2 sets dumbell curls
3 sets barbell curls
3 sets hammer curls
4 sets reverse grip ezcurl bar curls

Every time I get a chance from here on out till the end of the cycle I'll attempt to hit the gym twice a day every time the opportunity presents itself. I've never noticed a difference going twice a day bulking but I've always had great results going twice a day cutting even if it's just 20 minutes of cardio.

I've had a update pic for like a week now i cant upload from my phone so later today I'll get on my pc and try to get it up.
Conditioning is getting better by the day. At the beginning 10 minutes of cardio was hard. I can do 20 now. Over the next week to 2 I'll try and move up to 30 minutes on some days. I done shoulders and tris last night.

4 sets dumbell overhead shoulder press
4 sets dumbell side raises
3 sets reverse fly
3 set front raises dumbell
3 set rear delt raise dumbell
4 sets rear delt raise cable
3 sets side delt raise cable
3 sets barbell front delt raises

3 sets dips
3 sets reverse grip french curls
5 sets rope pull downs
6 sets push downs
3 sets dumbell overhead triceps extention

20 minutes elliptical
Yesterday i had planned on taking a day off but I'd diet really well the last few days so I figured why not keep the momentum going, so I went by the gym just to do a little something to burn a few calories.

Warmed up on the elliptical for 6 minutes

done some weighted abs crunches
leg raises
a few random sets for forearms.

Then finished with 15 minuets on the elliptical
I'm dosing the Osta at 25mg a day. I lowered the S4 to just 30mg in the morning on a empty stomach and 30mg preworkout. This is a very conservative dosing scheme compared to what I see a lot of other people run but I think a lot of people rely more on the Sarm then thier regimen as a whole.
Wow thats a shit ton of shoulder work bro! I guess you are feeling unstoppable!

My shoulders have fkn exploded in size bro. When i get home I'll throw up a pic i took last week. It's unreal man. I bet I've added a inch in diameter no shit.
Yesterday i doubled up and done chest and back with 20 minutes of cardio.

10 minutes elliptical

3 sets of flat bench
3 sets of machine fly
3 sets of smith machine incline
3 sets of smith machine decline
3 sets of dips

2 sets of wide grip pull ups
3 sets of dumbell rows
4 sets later pull downs
3 sets reverse flys
4 sets close grip barebell shrugs
3 sets behind back smith machine shrugs
2 sets dumbell shrugs

10 minutes elliptical

Everyone that sees me tells me I'm a lot bigger and leaner now. The S4 and Osta combo phenomenal so far, with about 7-8 more weeks left. Gonna do a full 15 weeks and bridge into gw and another sarms.
Yesterday i went in and hit legs. Hit a pr on ass to floor pause squats 315 for a set of 5 with 5 second pause. Sounds easy I swear it's not.

dosing is still the same 25mg of osta ed and 30mg of s4 in the morning and 30mg pre workout.

5 minutes on elliptical

5 sets of squats...2 sets were pauses
3 sets of leg press
3 sets leg extentions

4 sets of seated raises
5 sets of standing raises

didn't do a lot with legs just went heavy and Incorporated the pause.

10 minutes elliptical
Today was shoulders and bicepts

6 minutes of elliptical

4 sets barbell overhead shoulder presses
3 sets dumbell side delt raises
3 sets dumbell back delt raises
4 sets barbell front delt raises
3 sets cable back delt raises
2 sets reverse machine curls

3 sets barbell curls
3 sets dumbell curls
4 sets wide grip cable curls
3 sets close grip cable curls

I really wanted to do some more bicepts but i ran out of time. When I do back in a day or 2 I'll slam them hard.

I done a little triceps sets also.
2 sets reverse grip push downs
4 sets push downs
3 sets french curls

I love how vascular my arms are the leaner I get. Good stuff
View attachment 561974

The far left was just a few days in to the cycle. The far right is about a week and a half ago to 2 weeks ago. The picture on bottom was taken 3 days ago.

View attachment 561975

Let me know what yall think so far. I'm actually up 12 lbs from the start. This is about 8 weeks in to the cycle I'm going to keep going for about 12-14 weeks and swap to gw-50 and Rad. I'll create a new log for that run.
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Very nice!!!

Thanks man i appreciate that. It's hard to talk myself into doing cardio like i should be while I'm gaining so much quality muscle. My cut turned into a lean bulk the first 8 weeks. But i averaged like 1.5lbs a week! Who the hell could blame me? I'm surprised I don't see this S4 Osta stacked used as much for bulking as I do cutting.
I see overall muscle added. We tend to focus on bringing up our weak areas. while this is preferred, the other areas grow as well.
I'm thinking about getting some s4 for my next cruise/cut cycle. I've ordered some primo depot to run with trt test dose. Your log has added some insight to the effectiveness of sarms... Thanks
I see overall muscle added. We tend to focus on bringing up our weak areas. while this is preferred, the other areas grow as well.
I'm thinking about getting some s4 for my next cruise/cut cycle. I've ordered some primo depot to run with trt test dose. Your log has added some insight to the effectiveness of sarms... Thanks

Thanks for the support man. My body was better developed then my arms so I've focused on adding size in attempts to looking more proportionate. Adding arm size and loosing fat is really all I wanted from this cycle, I've added a good bit of size so I'm very satisfied so far. I'm very impressed with my strength gains ad well. From here out if I gain some more size I'd be happy but I'm going to focus hard on drooping some bf%. If you've never used S4 I think you'd like it. I'd compare the strength gains to tren and compare the fat loss and muscle gains to tbol. It's a great all around what ever your goal is.