Yesterday done legs. Only had an hour so I went in and killed n it as hard as I could. Didn't keep count of sets.
hex bar squats
Hack squats
seated calve raises. ... a lot and heavy
I was aiming for doing as much damage as I could in a short time so my wieght was light with lots of reps.
Definetly wanna stack the S4 with an AAS next go around.
Wow thats a shit ton of shoulder work bro! I guess you are feeling unstoppable!
Very nice!!!
I see overall muscle added. We tend to focus on bringing up our weak areas. while this is preferred, the other areas grow as well.
I'm thinking about getting some s4 for my next cruise/cut cycle. I've ordered some primo depot to run with trt test dose. Your log has added some insight to the effectiveness of sarms... Thanks