SARMS Article : Uses, benefits and general compound info *A Noob Must read*

these things are interesting but I read a log from a dude who used a boatload of Sarms for a few months. His conclusion was that it was a waste of time and money.
I was disapointed to read his findings because I think SARMs sound amazing.
The variable, as always, is if what he was ingesting was legit or not.
There is no way (that I know of) to verify if the substance you receive from any source is legit when it comes to SARMs.
I don't care how much you like a source, unless you really have some inside info, then you can't just assume.
SARMs are fairly new, very attractive product. This = $ to all of these sources.
S-4 costs 200$ for a 30-Day supply.. Is this the price range for S-4 or is RUI charging waaayyyy too much ?!
S-4 costs 200$ for a 30-Day supply.. Is this the price range for S-4 or is RUI charging waaayyyy too much ?!

RUI has alot of sales which is nice ( they have one now on SARMS), also you get what you pay for with RUI, they been around for over 10 years and haven't had any major issues.
I myself have used them for around 7 years and feel they got great quality.
I think its worth it, but where ever you go whether RUI or some place else, do your research into customer feedback!

good luck
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Research chemicals are not for human consumption; they are intended for research experiments on your lab rats. They say this for legal reasons, which is rather ridiculous. In any case, the rats they are referring to are the customer. Some drug forums use SWIM (someone who isn't me) as a euphemism for the poster, which is the same idea.
I cut the AAS cycle I'm on short after just a month in. I just started to take S-4 stacked with Osterine. I plan to add LGD - 4033 into the mix as soon as I get it. I figure, I'm already suppressed to some extent so why not go "all in?" I'm kitchen sinking this bitch (i.e. throwing in everything but the kitchen sink) as it's my first cycle of SARMS and I'm curious to see how my body will react to such a radical regimen. Go hard core or go home I say. I'll let everyone know if I grow a third testicle so you know not to try this.:crying:

I might be giving myself one of these:

Hopefully, not. Perhaps I'll look like a flesh and blood Iron Man suit and patting myself on the back for my ingenuity...

It's truly research SARMS at its finest - with a human test subject who wants to look like a fucking freakizoid.:naughty: But who might have more balls than brains.:hahano: Time will tell.

By the way, if any of you are still laboring under the mistaken notion that SARMS are not supressive, read the link below. He thought SARMS were a proper part of PCT.

Do not use these as part of your PCT. They will continue to suppress you. Think of SARMS as AAS with only a fraction of the baggage. Suppression is one of them. Deal with it.
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PLZ no links to other forums! This thread is not to pimp products, this thread is for discussion and learning.
If you need something for research, check out our sponsors they have great products and they help support our forum here.

Thank you
Not regretting my decision to make myself a subject for human test trials of SARMS. The "research" is going well.:laugh3:
Update: Started on osta 25 mg ed. stacked with S4 25 mg twice a day (S4 has like a measly 4 hour half life) then just last week dropped the S4 and replaced it with LGD 4033 3 mg ed (the shit has a half life of 24-36 hrs - crazy!). My body looks pretty amazing but It's weird. I have had none of the well known sides of S4 - yellow tinted vision and poor night vision. But I'm shedding hair now. It's nothing too serious, just a little thinning in the crown. I'm somewhat prone to hair loss but have maintained a full head of hair with finasteride and minoxidil. I don't shed when I'm on testosterone. Why would SARMS cause it is what's messing with my head. SARMS don't aromatize. They aren't actual androgens so I can't imagine it converts to DHT and even if it could, the hair growth drugs I used handled all the DHT in my body when on AAS.
So I theorize that DHT is't the culprit here. SARMS basically trick the body into behaving like the androgen receptors have bound with actual androgens, perhaps shedding is part of that behavior. Just a theory. If it is coprrect, it seems logical to assume that the hair will grow back when the cycle ends. I hope that's not just wishful thinking. I really like my hair.:kiss:

Anyone else get this while on SARMS?

Other than that I love SARMS. It feels a whole lot like being on AAS. Libido? OMFG! Into the fucking stratosphere! Seriously, it's pretty unreal - better than test (no bullshit, but that's just me.) It's worth it for that alone! LOL!

The benefits, by far, outweigh the drawbacks for me anyway.
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How is the new lgd 4033? Ive been interested but the price for a bottle is insane!
So pricey I decided to drop it from my stack and save it for bulking. Now I'm just on ostarine and S-4. I made this descision based on the hype surrounding lgd 4033 (i.e. much, much more anabolic than any other SARM.) So it just did not make sense to use it when I'm cutting. Osta and S-4 are awesome enough for cutting. The muscle sparing effect is crazy. I'm on ridiculously low calories right now and doing cardio like the "insanity" workout. Like this action.
What is Insanity? - Maximum Cardio Workout - YouTube
The crazy thing is I'm actually shedding weight slowly in spite of it all and there has been almost no loss in muscle mass - just fat - perfect! I'll let you know how lgd 4033 goes when I do a bulking cycle. Uniquemicals lgd 4033 is $150 for a 30 ml bottle. There are 10 mg in a ml of the oral liquid. That's on the high end of the recommended dose of 3-15 mg ed. I figure if it's 12 times more powerful than osta then I should be able to get good results on 5 mg ed. That's 1/2 of a ml of the liquid meaning 60 such doses in one bottle. That's a two month cycle for about $150. Not bad, really. Compare that to eight weeks on test and an oral. Much more expensive with AAS not to mention the needles and much worse sides.
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Lgd lowers free T. How can this be good for building muscle?
This proves the old adage about there being no such thing as a stupid question wrong. This qualifies. LMFAO! :laugh4:

Dude, SARMS occupy the androgen receptors like testosterone does and do the same thing as androgens (of which test is most definitely one) in terms of enhancing you body's ability to build muscle. The suppression of your own test is very temporary if you don't go on cycle for too long and do a proper PCT, and certainly no worse than the suppression one gets on steroids.