Not regretting my decision to make myself a subject for human test trials of SARMS. The "research" is going well.

Update: Started on osta 25 mg ed. stacked with S4 25 mg twice a day (S4 has like a measly 4 hour half life) then just last week dropped the S4 and replaced it with LGD 4033 3 mg ed (the shit has a half life of 24-36 hrs - crazy!). My body looks pretty amazing but It's weird. I have had none of the well known sides of S4 - yellow tinted vision and poor night vision. But I'm shedding hair now. It's nothing too serious, just a little thinning in the crown. I'm somewhat prone to hair loss but have maintained a full head of hair with finasteride and minoxidil. I don't shed when I'm on testosterone. Why would SARMS cause it is what's messing with my head. SARMS don't aromatize. They aren't actual androgens so I can't imagine it converts to DHT and even if it could, the hair growth drugs I used handled all the DHT in my body when on AAS.
So I theorize that DHT is't the culprit here. SARMS basically trick the body into behaving like the androgen receptors have bound with actual androgens, perhaps shedding is part of that behavior. Just a theory. If it is coprrect, it seems logical to assume that the hair will grow back when the cycle ends. I hope that's not just wishful thinking. I really like my hair.
Anyone else get this while on SARMS?
Other than that I love SARMS. It feels a whole lot like being on AAS. Libido? OMFG! Into the fucking stratosphere! Seriously, it's pretty unreal - better than test (no bullshit, but that's just me.) It's worth it for that alone! LOL!
The benefits, by far, outweigh the drawbacks for me anyway.