SARMs Cutting Log - Ostarine/S4/Cardarine


New member
Will be starting my first SARMs cycle tomorrow. I will be running the "Triple Stack" which is Ostarine, S4, and Cardarine. I have never ran any anabolic/PEDs so this will be interesting. I've done a lot of research on SARMs but still have a lot of questions due to the opinions of people online, lack of solid Logs, and results. So I hope to provide that to people with this Log.

My stats are: 21 years old 185 lbs roughly 14% body fat guessing... Bench - 225 x 6 Squat - 315 x 5 Deadlift - 315 x 5

I really don't know my one rep max as I've been losing weight for awhile now and really haven't attempted it. I started working out again 8 months ago after battling a drug addiction. I used to play college football but addiction took over my life and it spiraled downhill for the last 2 and half years. My weight got up to 260 lbs and I was super out of shape. Since then I've got my life back on track, have 8 months of sobriety which a lot of that I can contribute to the gym. I've kind of formed a cross addiction with working out but I'm pretty okay with that. Definitely a healthy cross addiction if it is one. Lol.

I will be running this cycle for 8 weeks.

My cycle will be:

Weeks 1-3: Ostarine dosed at 20 mg in the morning. S4 dosed at 50 mg. 25 mg in the morning, 25 mg in the afternoon. Cardarine dosed at 20 mg. 10 mg in the morning and 10 mg before a workout.

Weeks 3-8: Ostarine dosed at 30 mg. S4 dosed at 75 mg. Cardarine dosed at 20 mg.

I'm hoping with this cycle and my diet that I can finally get some good ab definition and shred up for the Summer time. Lol ***128526;

I will be eating a strict 1800 calorie diet with macros at 45/30/25.

Roughly 200 grams of protein, 135 grams of carbs, and 50 grams of fat.

I would love some advice on a PCT or if I need to take one at all. I've heard Clomid/Nolvadex/HCG but really not sure which to go with but I guess I still have some time to figure that out.

I will be posting before and after pics. I won't be updating daily but I will definitely update at least once or twice a week.

I'm pretty excited to do this but like I said I don't know what to expect. Would love some feedback, advice, criticism, etc.

I got my SARMs from Enhanced Athlete. Not sure what to expect from them but mostly everyone said they're g2g so we we will see
Be careful with the S4 at that dosing level. Watch for a loss of night vision. At higher doses, you can have a very slow eye reaction time to bright lights in dark areas - which can really be a problem if you are driving. Just something to keep in mind.