-SarmsSearch.com is looking for a female logger!-


New member
Hey ladies,

I have one female logger already and I'd like one more. For those interested, send me a PM and tell me why I should choose you! I'm looking for someone who can keep a DETAILED log. Not one post a month 'I worked out today' .. I want dosage info, how you're feeling, what you did in the gym, etc.

Our products:
-Sarms S4
-MK 677

Here is a very informative thread I've posted with a ton of info on sarms: http://www.steroidology.com/forum/a...sarms-info-thread-hosted-sarmssearch-com.html

Take a look and get at me ladies! Send me a PM if interested or if you have any questions! As a firm believer in sarms AND a fellow female, I can assure you sarms have a lot to offer us lady gymrats. If you're looking for fat loss or a full body recomp sarms is the safe way to go if you're afraid of taking the AAS plunge or if you are looking for something different!