SarmsSearch GW-50 Log - Prince's Cut

You think it fucked with your natural test? I heard it doesn't so much.

Not at all. GW-50 is the only SARM that is non-suppressive. Meaning it doesn't have any effect on test levels. Which is why its a great choice for PCT... Help keep the strength and stamina up whilst not affecting recovery at all. Personally I'd never run anything else in PCT though.
Been doing double shifts the last two days... 8-9hrs day shift and 6-8hrs night shift both fays. Still managed to squeeze out a workout between shifts. Honestly I was gonna go and take it easy... Instead went in and DOMINATED! Granted I felt like feinting for about half an hour afterwards...

I'm still finding it unbeleivable how powerful yet subtle GW-50 is... It's not like a stimulant, you can't really 'feel' it... But your body just doesn't need to stop. Been on very little sleep and long ass days walking/running around, jumping into fights and restraining people, working out with great intensity... And yet I still don't feel tired.. Or fatigued. Pretty bomb!

On another note though I've started gettin DOMs again... Now all the test is outta my system :( I forgot what that shit felt like lol.
Not at all. GW-50 is the only SARM that is non-suppressive. Meaning it doesn't have any effect on test levels. Which is why its a great choice for PCT... Help keep the strength and stamina up whilst not affecting recovery at all. Personally I'd never run anything else in PCT though.

What about a SARMs only cycle? Like var, but with SARM.
What about a SARMs only cycle? Like var, but with SARM.

I don't fully understand what you asking me... SARMs are fine to run by themselves. You don't need to inject test with them because they don't cause full shutdown of your natural test... So you still have test in your body + SARMs. If you were to do a var only (or any steroid cycle for that matter) you'd shutdown your natural test completely, so you'd have zero test in your body. Which is why you'd have to inject test along with it.

All SARMs apart from GW-50 are slightly suppressive though, which is why I personally wouldn't run anything other than Gw-50 during PCT. Some people do, its up to the individual. I just don't see the sense is slowing recovery when thats all your trying to acheive.
Psizzle, was trying to PM you. New here, wondering if any sales from SarmSearch are going on in June, have used other companies before but want to try a new one.
Cage thanks for the PM, I see I still cannot send one back to you saying thanks. IT worked.
Is there an area I can post this SARM Cycle for input and critiques, I plan on starting monday but so far I havent found a SARM area for this type of thing. I would also like to post pics and diet and get as much education as I can, been doing this for over 10 years but been off and on due to career, so always wanting to know more and I never know enough, thanks.
Cage thanks for the PM, I see I still cannot send one back to you saying thanks. IT worked.
Is there an area I can post this SARM Cycle for input and critiques, I plan on starting monday but so far I havent found a SARM area for this type of thing. I would also like to post pics and diet and get as much education as I can, been doing this for over 10 years but been off and on due to career, so always wanting to know more and I never know enough, thanks.

I'd say post it in the natural steroid alternatives section, but there's a few different places you could put it I guess.

Prince, what ever happened with this one man? Starting SS GW myself here in a couple days and was perusing through other logs...
I'd say post it in the natural steroid alternatives section, but there's a few different places you could put it I guess.

Prince, what ever happened with this one man? Starting SS GW myself here in a couple days and was perusing through other logs...

You will love it bud, I did. This log turned into a complete fail, shortly after starting PCT I was involved in a pretty severe car accident. I wasn't too badly hurt, but had a fair bit of time out of the gym and the weight of financial issues as a result of it brought me down alot. I've really only just come out of my slump now, but over the last two months or so managed to gain a lot more fat than I ever had before (probably due to the minor depression/stress.)

Anyway, I've just started my cut again two weeks ago. I have a little GW left that I plan on throwing in. Going to add S4 aswell after about another 2-4weeks. I plan on doing a proper log for this one. Sarmssearch are great bro, and their gw50 kicks ass.. It does give pretty amazing endurance abilities.
Anyway, I've just started my cut again two weeks ago. I have a little GW left that I plan on throwing in. Going to add S4 aswell after about another 2-4weeks. I plan on doing a proper log for this one. Sarmssearch are great bro, and their gw50 kicks ass.. It does give pretty amazing endurance abilities.

Sorry about the accident man, but glad to hear you're back out of it. I had a similar thing happen to me years ago, kept me out of the gym for over a year and never even realized how fat/out of shape I got until I saw pictures years later.

On sarmssearch, Yeah, that's seems to be the general consensus is that their stuff is the Sh!t!! I always get excited thinking about running their GW!
Sorry about the accident man, but glad to hear you're back out of it. I had a similar thing happen to me years ago, kept me out of the gym for over a year and never even realized how fat/out of shape I got until I saw pictures years later.

On sarmssearch, Yeah, that's seems to be the general consensus is that their stuff is the Sh!t!! I always get excited thinking about running their GW!

Thanks mate.. appreciate it. Yeah it can be pretty horrible. I lost a decent amount of muscle and got ridiculously fat. Getting lean again pretty quickly now though... Yep I'm sticking with SarmsSearch for this run too. Pretty excited for it.