Saudi Arabia, Where can I get a lobotomy.


New member

Just moved to Abqaiq, Eastern Province in Saudi Arabia,

Im going to need to reed the rules.
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Welcome to Ology. No your not just asking for

U ever get off a plane and then get oughtta the cab and walk up to a crowd of peeps and ask "U know where I can buy some weed/hash/blow/aas ?"
Come on dude. I don t want to run you off but we re tight here...and I m sure upon securing an answer you ll leave and not even call back like u promised.
Here s an idea. Go to a local Pharmacia, Aphoteke or gym and ASK. Even in America if the answer s no they will not jail u for asking.

I know the answer but will allow you to "forage". Some other member s may let ur need for instant gratis slide. I m not that guy.
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