Just wondering if you schedule any time off from training, and if so when, how much and the reasoning behind it.
Before I got into AAS, I would take a week off every 6 months or so, mainly just for a mental break.
Now every few months, I will miss one workout a week, something like this; this week skip chest, next week skip back, the following week skip legs. My reasoning is two fold, one the old mental break thing and the second is to avoid overtraining. I find it amazing how much more I can put into a bodypart after missing a session.
Before I got into AAS, I would take a week off every 6 months or so, mainly just for a mental break.
Now every few months, I will miss one workout a week, something like this; this week skip chest, next week skip back, the following week skip legs. My reasoning is two fold, one the old mental break thing and the second is to avoid overtraining. I find it amazing how much more I can put into a bodypart after missing a session.