Schering Testoviron....

are there any fakes for those GR testoviron? i saw on cem you said there are two different kinds, but im not getting results from the gr stuff i have at all.
My GR look nothing like GY's. First off, they have a r in a circle after testoviron(regestered trademark). My labels look more wrinkled and my batch, lot, and exp date are in a different font, light grey in color and look somewhat stamped on,not printed.
Those German Remedies that George Young has posted are FAKE!! Those must be the ones that people are talking about recently that everybody is complaining are fake. I sent that picture to my source in India and he said those aren't real. He said they're not made in GOA they're made in Calcutta.
German Remedies is not garbage if you have the real ones. They are up there with the ICN's as one of the best.
KjbAlto, "...made in 'GOA' " ?
(sorry, could you help me out with this.)

Also, are you sure that the fake German Remedies Testoviron is actually being manufactured in Calcutta? I read (I think on Anabolex's forum) that its really being made by some scammers located somewhere in Europe. If its definitely from an "Indian" source though, its should be legit.

Anyone have any comments on this?

My friend's offering to sell me some of this stuff (testoviron depot 250, by GR), which I think he picked up from a reliable source while in Calcutta (or somewhere around there), and I'd really appreciate anyone letting me know what the word is behind this.

Look up my post on this. It has a pic of the product (GR Testorivron Depot). That is how any legit product from GR should look like. If the source is domestice (North America) its probably good to go, not sure about East Europe (since they have their own brands that are probably a safer bet). But the best thing to do would be to get an Indian source or just buy and mail it back yourself on your next vacation!