Schredder's cycle log............

So yesterday was chest and tris......

Flatbench 185x5 225x5 245x5 265x5 275x2 145x12 pause at chest on each rep
Incline smith 3x8 225
Pec deck 3x12 150
HS wide press 2 plate ES 3x12

Rope pressdowns 3x12 80 dropset on last set
Cambered bar overhead press 3x12 120
Dip machine 3x12 195

Felt pretty good that workout!
Back and bis today, and man, had no energy and looking back o should have just taken the day off. It took all I had to get through this one.

WG pulldowns 105x15 135x12 165x10 195x10 + drop set
WG BB rows pulled high to stimulate rhomboids and upper back 3x12 185.
CG cable pulldowns sitting backwards 3x12 135
Single arm pulldown sitting sideways on bench 3x12 45
Suppinated grip seat cable row 3x12 150

Standing double arm cable curls 3x12 50
DB hammer curls 40x8 45x8 50x8
Concentration curls 3x8 35

Felt terrible the whole workout, had to dig deep and push through this one. All exercises were VERY strict form without any swinging or jerking at all and pulled every rep from the elbows. Had a great pump but my head wasnt there. So, few days off now to recover then back at it for legs.
Back and bis today, and man, had no energy and looking back o should have just taken the day off. It took all I had to get through this one.

WG pulldowns 105x15 135x12 165x10 195x10 + drop set
WG BB rows pulled high to stimulate rhomboids and upper back 3x12 185.
CG cable pulldowns sitting backwards 3x12 135
Single arm pulldown sitting sideways on bench 3x12 45
Suppinated grip seat cable row 3x12 150

Standing double arm cable curls 3x12 50
DB hammer curls 40x8 45x8 50x8
Concentration curls 3x8 35

Felt terrible the whole workout, had to dig deep and push through this one. All exercises were VERY strict form without any swinging or jerking at all and pulled every rep from the elbows. Had a great pump but my head wasnt there. So, few days off now to recover then back at it for legs.

They all count bro! - Keep grinding!
Back and bis today, and man, had no energy and looking back o should have just taken the day off. It took all I had to get through this one.

WG pulldowns 105x15 135x12 165x10 195x10 + drop set
WG BB rows pulled high to stimulate rhomboids and upper back 3x12 185.
CG cable pulldowns sitting backwards 3x12 135
Single arm pulldown sitting sideways on bench 3x12 45
Suppinated grip seat cable row 3x12 150

Standing double arm cable curls 3x12 50
DB hammer curls 40x8 45x8 50x8
Concentration curls 3x8 35

Felt terrible the whole workout, had to dig deep and push through this one. All exercises were VERY strict form without any swinging or jerking at all and pulled every rep from the elbows. Had a great pump but my head wasnt there. So, few days off now to recover then back at it for legs.

It's getting there and getting through days like this that keep us going... sometimes a couple days off can do wonders
Back and bis today, and man, had no energy and looking back o should have just taken the day off. It took all I had to get through this one.

WG pulldowns 105x15 135x12 165x10 195x10 + drop set
WG BB rows pulled high to stimulate rhomboids and upper back 3x12 185.
CG cable pulldowns sitting backwards 3x12 135
Single arm pulldown sitting sideways on bench 3x12 45
Suppinated grip seat cable row 3x12 150

Standing double arm cable curls 3x12 50
DB hammer curls 40x8 45x8 50x8
Concentration curls 3x8 35

Felt terrible the whole workout, had to dig deep and push through this one. All exercises were VERY strict form without any swinging or jerking at all and pulled every rep from the elbows. Had a great pump but my head wasnt there. So, few days off now to recover then back at it for legs.
Just read this brother. Moons and stars must be lined up right, my workout was shit also. Thinking on taking a few myself....
So hit some legs with some biceps today! Jist a small maintenance workout. Went like this....

BB squats 2 warmup sets + 225x5 275x5 315x5 365x5 185x23 each rep paused at bottom
Lying hamstring curls 100x12 120x12 140x10
Standing calve raises 3x12 195 with a dropset on last set

Concentration curls 3x12 35
Hammer curls 3x10 45

crunches 3x30

In and out in 45 mins nothing fancy just wanted to active the muscles .
Hit some delts today with some triceps!!

Warmed up with WG chins 3 sets of 12
Reverse pec deck 3x12 135
Side lateral raises 3x12 30
Behind the neck smith press 3x12 135

Overhead DB ext 3x12 35
Straight bar press downs superset with straight bar overhead ext. 3x12 for each 100lbs for each.
So hit some legs with some biceps today! Jist a small maintenance workout. Went like this....

BB squats 2 warmup sets + 225x5 275x5 315x5 365x5 185x23 each rep paused at bottom
Lying hamstring curls 100x12 120x12 140x10
Standing calve raises 3x12 195 with a dropset on last set

Concentration curls 3x12 35
Hammer curls 3x10 45

crunches 3x30

In and out in 45 mins nothing fancy just wanted to active the muscles .

Legs and biceps. Way to copy my workout. I know I hadn't posted until this morning (16 hours later), but I know you are secretly watching me and copying me!
Hit some back and bis today. And what a fuckin pump!! Felt good and strong. The side effects from the Tren has calmed right down and Im feeling like a machine all day long. Sleeping like a baby, night sweats have subsided and my appetite is still just out of control.

So it went down like this.....

WG chins 13 12 12
WG behind the neck pulldowns (one sec pause at contraction) 3×12 135 with dropset on last set
CG cable rows 3x12 195
Rack pulls 315x12 365x10 405x8 same weight as I was lifting when i did them first and this is after 3 exercises!!

Standing DB curls 3x12 45
Sanding double arm cable curls (behind the head) 3x12 50 with a dropset on last set.

Im gonna start to incorperate WG chins at the beginning of EVERY workout as a warm up and hopefully bring those late out even more.......chest delts tris tomorrow.
So chest and tris today boys. But before that I gotta say, test/tren/mast CANNOT be beat except if you throw a bit of oral Winstrol in near the end then that is the best. And thats what Ive done for the last 4 weeks of this blast (AML brand OF COURSE). Im a little ways in on the Winny now and I gotta say I look like someone else in the mirror, I cant even believe what Im seeing I look like muscle muscle are craved outta granite. Striations and veins everywhere, everything is popping out like crazy. This is by far the best run Ive had yet.

So chest and tris.....

Flat bench 135x25 for warm up 185x5 225x5 245x5 265x5 275x2 dropped to 225 for 5 more reps then to 135 for 12 pause reps
Incline HS 2 plates and a 10 a side 3 sets of 10 1 sec pause at contraction then last set dropped to 1 plate a side for 12 pause reps.
Incline DB flys 3x12 30 very slow controlled movement with no movement in the elbows at any time.
Flat HS press narrow grip olate and a quarter a side 3x8 1 sec hold at contraction

Cambered bar press downs 3x12 160
DB kickbacks super set with over head exts 3x13 for each 15lbs for each
Cambered bar reverse pressdowns 3x12 100 stand a good distance away from pulleys

Thats a WRAP. Off to do legs tomorrow, thats gonna get smashed!! And Cheers as always to AML for dynamite quality gear, this is the stuff to be on without a doubt.
So chest and tris today boys. But before that I gotta say, test/tren/mast CANNOT be beat except if you throw a bit of oral Winstrol in near the end then that is the best.

That cycle is going to do be wonders soon enough
Hit the wheels today!! Did some different stuff, nothing to hectic but the workout couldnt have better. They keep getting better every day!!!

Hack squats 1 plate ESx25 2 plates ESx12 2 plates and a quarter ESx10 3 plates ESx8
Another hack squat machine facing backwards 2 plates ESx12 3 plates ESx12 4 plates ESx12
Adductor superset w/ abductor 3x12 120 each machine

Standing plate loaded hamstring curls 4x12 90
DB SLDL 2x15 50lbd DBs
Seated calves presses 4x12 225

I am getting the most insane pumps lately, they are very painful and my akin feels like its gonna rip which is what its ALLLl about. Man this cycle just keeps getting better but its coming to a close soon. 3 more weeks!!
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So yesterday was delts and triceps and we hit them good.

Seated DB press warmup + 65x15 75x12 85x6 dropset
Front raises hammer grip 3x8 35
Cable laterals 3x12 40
Narrow grip upright rows 3x8 85
Standing one arm cable rear delt 3x12 30 superset with straightbar high pulls 3x12 120

Double arm DB overhead press 65x15 75x12 85x12
Dip machine 3x12 165 (very slow movement and one sec squeeze at contraction)
Cable kickbacks 3x12 40

Killed abs after as well

Machine crunches 3x30 20
Hanging crunches 3x30