Schredder's cycle log............

Schredder, I'm sure I speak for a lot of people, but thanks for posting all this. I cant wait to see the results. I'm just a TRT guy, but there is a lot to learn when you see it all written..tks again. I subscribed to this
Chest day.....wasnt feelin it today, still a little under the weather but hit er up anyway!!
Fast paced workout again very little rest between sets.

Flat BB press warm up+ 185x12 205x8 205x8
Iso lateral horizontal HS press single arm 3x12 70lbs
Incline cable flys 3x12 40lbs
Incline BB press 3x10 135lbs

Lateral raises 3x12 20lbs

Dips 3x15 bodyweight
Single arm rope pushdowns 3x12 40lbs
Skullcrushers cambered bar 3x10 75lbs superset with presses with 75lbs

Back and bis tomorrow, hope to get a good sleep tonight, Ive been sleeping like complete shit the last few nights :s
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Started wednesday with a sore throat, thursday was really sore throat + sinus headache and runny nose, friday to monday was the same shit with slightly diminished sore throat but more phlegm in the lungs

Today is the first day I can say it feels like I'm on the upswing which is good, but wish this either had not happened at all or happened AFTER the competition namsayin
its not just you two.. alot of my clients are sick right now.. its making its sweep
just posted in my log about how my girlfriend got me sick...i feel ya bro. i'm tryin to work through it. I suppose resting would be smart, but i'm in week 14 of 16 in my cycle and i really would hate to take a week or even a couple days off during these weeks.
Thats crazy because my girlfriend also got sick this past weekend she thought she had strep or something so I stayed clear of her for sure. Cant afford to get sick while on cycle.
Yeah, my GF was sick a few weeks back, I managed to hold it off, I thought I was in the clear, then I went and worked a week of night shifts and half the people at work were sick so it got me, oh well.

Anyways, meal prep day today, I prep 3 days at a time while Im working to make life easy. Just finished that up, gonna eat in a bit and go rip Back and Bis.
Thats crazy because my girlfriend also got sick this past weekend she thought she had strep or something so I stayed clear of her for sure. Cant afford to get sick while on cycle.

Ya, you DO NOT want strep, I used to get that all the time when I was younger, and its not cool at all, forget about eating or drinking anything without the assistance of a painkiller, fucking crippling.
Back/Bi blast today

The usual 10 warm up on the stairmaster

BB rows warmup+185x8 205x8 225x8 dropset
Close grip cable rows 3x8 225 triple drop
Close grip cable pulldowns 3x8 150
Isolateral HS high pull 3x8 90
WG chin-ups superset with straightbar cable pull downs 3x10

Alternating DB curls 25x8 30x8 35x8
Single arm cable curls (arm behind back) 3x8 50
Single arm machine curls 3x8 50
Straight bar cable curls 7x12 40

Decide to do a bit extra today to give the muscles a good shock, rest periods were about a minute, FST7 cable curls rest was at 30 second between sets. Everything was done with strict form as always, no jerking or swinging shit around. Today I felt a little increase in strength which was cool, lots of energy as well, so Id say that's a sign of good things to come. Still not up any weight, no big change in appearance except the pump at the gym is much larger, strength is up a bit as I said, just putting in time until week 5 or six rolls around and things start to really get going.

Next couple day are gonna be rest days
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So, just in the middle of some rest days here figured Id throw an update out. The cold or flu or whatever i had wasnt going away it started to get better then came back again and I was starting to feel quite run down and didnt have any energy. So going on what Ive learned in the past Im taking a few days off and healing up filling out and eating and growing. Ill be back training on Sunday gor some shoulders. 3J and I made a few tweaks to the diet and Im not sure if the EQ is causing it but my appetite is out of control, I know its only 2 weeks in so im skeptical of that but all I know is Im a bottomless put. I feel a lot fuller since taken these rest days. Will step in the scale in a few days time.

Shoulder session last night

HS shoulder press 25x20 45x20 70x15 90x8
High uncline DB press 3x10 50
Cable side laterals 3x10 30
High rope pulls 70x10 80x10 90x10
Reverse peck deck 3x10 60
BB front raises 3x10 40 superset with BB curls with the same barbell used for raises 3x10

The pump was insane after having 3 days rest and lots and lots food. I couldnt carry my gym bag in one hand for more than 10 seconds before having to switch walking to my car cuz it felt like my delts were gonna explode.

Update: Starting to feel very good the last few days, mood is improved, sense of well being too, the general good feel from test is starting to creep up. Libido is up as well.

Until next time........
The pump was insane after having 3 days rest and lots and lots food. I couldnt carry my gym bag in one hand for more than 10 seconds before having to switch walking to my car cuz it felt like my delts were gonna explode.

I had a similar experience with legs yesterday haha...except I was hopping on a 1098 sportbike after the gym. Yikes!
subbed. loving the updates on difference excercises. Just became a 3J client myself so hopefully can see similar results from the diet + my soon to be cycle.
Yup, listening to the body and not being scared of adding rest days is a great call buddy... loving this log!

Keep killing it!
Back on schedule for the next week, took a few days rest and im feeling great.

So chest last night went like this, all straight sets......
Flat BB press warmup + 185x15 205x9 205x8
Incline HS 2 plates 3x10
Dips bodyweight 3x12
Flat DB flys 30x8 35x8 40x8

Cambered bar push downs 60x12 70x12 80x12 (less pullys on this rope so weight seems much heavier)
Single arm reverse grip push downs 3x12 40
Cable kickbacks 3x12 30

I fell my strength is slow moving up also feel very full and looks wise things are starting to change!!

AM weight 216 this morning, so up 4lbs from the start.

Legs today!

Will update later on.

Cheers boys
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Back on schedule for the next week, took a few days rest and im feeling great.

So chest last night went like this, all straight sets......
Flat BB press warmup + 185x15 205x9 205x8
Incline HS 2 plates 3x10
Dips bodyweight 3x12
Flat DB flys 30x8 35x8 40x8

Cambered bar push downs 60x12 70x12 80x12 (less pullys on this rope so weight seems much heavier)
Single arm reverse grip push downs 3x12 40
Cable kickbacks 3x12 30

I fell my strength is slow moving up also feel very full and looks wise things are starting to change!!

Legs to day!

Will update later on.

Cheers boys

It's arms day for me but my bi's are killing me...something possessed me to jab my hcg and hgh in there

Come do legs with me! I'll bail from work we can hit the gym then hit the town...

As I sit here eating pancakes with syrup and icecream off my 8pack abs....mmmmmmm lol