Schredder's cycle log............

Just hit back and bis

HS iso lateral low row 45x15 70x12 90x8x2 dropset on last set
Close grip cable row 4x8 210 drop set on last set
HS ide grip pull down 4x8 90 drop set on last set
High pull (band machine) 3x8 80
Cable pull overs 3x12 50

Standing alternating DB curls 3x12 35
Straight bar cable curls 3x12 100
Behind the neck single arm cable curls 3x12 40

Today was a machine day. All reps were performed very slow and strict with a maximum squeeze in every rep, lats were poppin real good!!

Anyways thats a wrap for today, tmrw is legs, and im getting bloodwork in the morning. I wont post results. I get bloodwork done twice a year regardless of what Im doing to make sure things are running smoothly inside me.

So legs today, zero energy, i slept like shit, but hit em anyways.....

Leg ext 100x20 130x15 160x12 190x12
Leg press 12 platesx20 16 platesx15 20 platesx12x2+dropset

DB SLDL 60lb dbs 3x8
Lying leg curls 100x12 110x10 120x8
Walking lunges 2x8 70

Didnt do calves today they are murdered still from two days ago, it hurts to walk!!

AM weight this morning....220lbs no food no water. Up a few more pounds again!
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Great work ethic buddy...

I did back squats last in my quads workout 3 days ago... hitting leg press, lunges, extensions and front squats beforehand...

Holy sh*t - my post workout DOMS are off the scale, I must have done something right!

Great to see the scales going in the right direction - keep it up buddy!
Ben I actually find back squats at the end of the workout to be more effective. Althought the weight being pushed is significantly less all tension is taken by the quads. I find it far easier on my lower back as well.

Ya, lol fuck man, if my legs arent sore the same day i train them i know im in for a rough ride. I used to get DOMS in my legs very bad, to the point i could honestly barely walk, get off the couch or get out of bed normally. This doesnt happen anymore though ever, which is good. I suspect its from better PWO nutrition, because i still do as much in the gym if not more. That PWO protein and carbs then a whole meal within the hour is crucial for speedy recovery. Before id wait a couple hours to eat after my shake now its about 45 mins NEVER longer than an hour.
Weekly cheat meal!! Post leg workout!

Half a large double peperroni pizza
Half a cheese bread
Couple of butter cookies
Bowl of raspberry chocolate chip icecream

First and only cheat meal of the week
Shoulders and traps today. I switched it up and did my usual workout backwards. Starting with rear delts and working to the front and presses. Went like this...

BB shurgs 135x12 185x12 225x12 275x12
High smith machine bent over rows bar plus 70lbs 3x8
Seated rear delts db 3x8 20lbs
Seated side laterals 3x8 25lbs dropset last set
Front cable raise w/ rope (lying down) 3x8 30lbs
HS MTS shoulder press 100x8 120x8 140x8 150x8 dropset last set

Straight bar pushdowns superset w/ straightbar cable curls 4x8+dropset for both last set (triceps starting at 140lbs working up to full stack, biceps starting at 100 working up to 140.

Thats a wrap for a few days now, ill be taking at least two days for rest now and hopefully bump the Bw up a bit, Im roughly 4 werks out from firing up the Tren and Id like to be at least 230 when I start that.
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Back at er this morning for a chest and tricep pump, threw some calves in as well. Im working nights right mow so I feel pretty run down and my diet has slipped a bit due to the fact I really have a hard time eating 4 cold meals in the middle of the night, so it is what it is though and we move forward. Strength is up for sure, libido is climbing and vascularity is insane right now, the workout went down like this. Just a quick one today.

Flat BB press warmup+185x12 205x10 225x8 triple drop on last set
Incline DB press 3x8 65lbs + dropset
Cable flys 3x10 50lbs+dropset
DB pullovers/DB press 2x8 60lbs

Cambered bar cable pushdowns 3x12 150lbs
DB overhead extensions 25lb+dropset
Reverse grip single hand pushdowns 3x13 40lbs

Leg press calve raises 350lbs 3x12
Seated calve raises 150lbs 3x12

Felt good, but tired out pretty fast, but pushed through as always. There are definite visual changes occuring which I am happy about!!
So im hummin an hawin about maybe switching up the compounds a bit here. What do some of you guys think, live to hear a bit of your thoughts. I always do this, get going and then tweak as I go.

Original plan
Test/Eq/Prov 16 weeks
Tren last 8 weeks

New Idea
Test/EQ/Prov 16 weeks
Test/Tren/ Winstrol for 8 more weeks after EQ and Prov are discontinued.

I cruise as already stated so there is mo worry of a rough PCT.
Since you aren't coming off anyways, and gains are progressing nicely with the Test/EQ...both are mild, as is the proviron so I wouldn't hesitate to prolong the cycle as you're suggesting.

I would hold off on the winstrol until the last four or five weeks though, so just tren+test for 16-19 then add winstrol maybe 20-24 ish.

Depends what dose you're running, I suppose, but it's "harsh" especially compared to proviron...

Maybe keep the proviron the whole time? Or at least until you swap to winstrol a bit later?