Sciroxx Test Cyp 250 Cycle (1st inj. 2/7/11)


New member
Today was my first day of my cycle of Testodex Cyp 250 by Sciroxx Labs. I finally worked up the courage to poke my glute and inject the juice at approx 8 pm. I was hesitent to start tonight because all I had was 20ga pinz. I read horror stories about the pain and soreness that resulted with these size needles..

Needless to say, there wasn't any pain whatsoever.. I was almost shocked as to how smooth it was and the oils flowed very nicely through. Upon injecting, the Cyp was very smooth. About 45 min later I could feel a very very mild sensation around the injection site, but nothing that I feel would be abnormal considering medicine was just injected there.

Anyways I got my workout in and I am going to really crack down on my diet.. Protein-Protein-Protein and oh yea CALORIES!

I included some links to my before "current" pictures and will post updated pics from week to week.

BTW This is a test cyp 250 cycle only.. Followed with a PCT of course.
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Congrats on your first pin.

What are you stats ?
Diet ?
Training ?

Have to be honest with you.
At your size, Food and a solid training regime would do you more good.

Just an update.. gained 3 pounds over week 1.. going to inject for my monday injection in approx 2.5 hours.. Love it... Still going hard at my routine. More updates to come.. Ps, im getting some "back"ne dammit..
Week 2 update.. I have gained a total of 6.2 lbs... Still going at it strong.. Starting to finally feel the effects of the test.. Got great pumps after working out last night! Can't wait for the next couple of weeks.. No gyno.. yet...
was just browsing through sciroxx threads because I plan to use sciroxx next cycle

but i have to say damn bro that chick looks like a fucking man :freak:
Your build doesn't suggest you're getting the proper nutrition/training/rest.. you look like someone that doesn't lift at all if i'm honest..

Good luck nevertheless, by week 2 you shouldn't be feeling much - more likely it's placebo effect.