Scrum_Bag's "Schalk Burger" cycle......


New member
Pinned first 250 of test on tuesday, placebo affect kicked in pretty quick, issued a beat down at sparring practice that afternoon, appetite through the roof already, stamina, strength and attitude all very elevated.

more as it comes.

training as such

monday= chest + tri's
tuesday = back + bi's + 1 hour intense cardio (sparring 10 rounds)
wednesday = legs
thursday = chest + tri's
friday = back + bi's
saturday = legs + 1 hour intense cardio (sparring 10 rounds)
sunday = rest

diet is very clean, chicken, vegetables, 1 sweet potato a week, brown rice, fish, lean beef, turkey etc,,,
relax the diet a bit on sundays, but not going over board.

starting stats = 250 lbs, 6'4" tall, 16% body fat.
225 max bench
135 max military press
315 max squat
90 max curls
80 max skull crusher
225 max row
175 max lat pull downs
can run 5 miles in about 40 minutes, no recorded 40 yd dash, no recorded vertical leap
You're over-training. No doubt about it.

Look into getting yourself a good training regime. I can vouch for the 5x5. I altered it to suit my goals but I built strength that I thought was beyond me and put on size I only dreamt of before. Milk, Biggin and Dlove will steer you in the right direction. Good luck on the cycle, enjoy!
Go into the Training Section and read about Westside Barbell, Dogg Crap, 5 x 5, and other high intensity/low volume training programs. You'll thank us later.
What are your goals and how old are you? My recommendation would be to add a rest day ev 4th day or something to that effect. I look forward to your log.
two weeks in, feel great, already seeing some gains and definetly some dropped BF%.
scaled the training back on advice of some forum members, working the 5x5 with light jogging on my days of rest.
really enjoying seeing the process work, will keep updated.
so far lifts are up at least 10%
no side effects aside from mild testicular atrophy and my face/shoulders are getting a little greasy
my stamina is off the charts, i can run much longer much easier.

My needle guy flaked on me, i need insulin needles for the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), anyone know if i can get them over the counter in California?

Also anyone ever have excessive sweating from test cyp? i sweat like you wouldnt believe when i work out now, also when im not working out as well, but not as bad. i literally soak my clothing when i work out, its almost embarrassing.