second cycle


New member
What do you think about this cycle??

My first cycle 100tb metanabol

75kg bic 38cm

1. 100 /-/ 3
2. 200 /-/ 3
3. 300 /-/ 3
4. 300 /-/ 2
5. 300 /50/ -
6. 300 /100/ -
7. 200 /150/ -
8. 100 /100/ -
9. - /50/ -
1- No test ???
2- I don't see the need to taper the Deca.
3- Winstrol (winny), is that per day ? 150 mg is a shit load/day, again I don't like the tapering
4- How many mg are your d-bol ?
5- Post-cycle regime ??

Ruffs English isn’t that good so he asked me to translate for him…..

1. He says that this should be a weak cycle(low dose) That’s why no test.
2. He says that in his country they taper all the time w. good results.
3. He says that Winstrol (winny) will be shoot 2 times per week 150mg each time.
4. His d-bol is metanabol 5mg
5. He doesn’t understand this.. I’ll let him know
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Jak bedziesz bral d-bol. 15mg=3 tabletki ci nie wystarczy. Ja bym wzia 25mg-30mg dbol.

A Winstrol (winny) to musisz brac ED albo EOD(karzdy dzien albo co drugi dzien)... Winnie tez mozesz pic, wiesz otym??? 2 razy w tygodniu ci nic nie da.

Tydzien 10 bedziesz musial brac Clomid. By Deca zastapuje ci twuj normalny testorone.

Ja bym to tego dolorzyl test propinate na poczatku do 1-8 tygodni.
We need to help him! I dont care what country you are in there is no need to taper! Shooting Winstrol (winny) only 2 times a week is another poor choice. Drink 12.5mg 2 times a day. This will keep blood levels dramatically more constant, which will yeild better results. And his dose of deca will only replace the natural test is just shut down with the deca! Use test instead. Cheaper , better results, and it is far less inhibitory on his HPTA!

Tell him to look over my sticky on the reasearch board on cycles!
thx Lawnsaver,StonColdNTO, and Jyzza.... moglbys mi jeszcze przetlumaczyc co mi napisal Lawnsaver??
Lawnsaver, what do you think bro, Prop or Enathate for him???

ruff....Nie bierz Deca.... To ci nic nie zrobi....Musisz miec Test w twoim cyclu..

1-8 Tygodni ....100mg Propinate EOD(So karzdy inny dzien...Poniedzialek,Sroda,Fiatek,Niedziela,Wtorek..................tak caly cycle
1-4 Tygodni 30mg D-Bol
5-9 Tygodni Winstrol...50mg ED(karzdy dzien),(ty to morzesz pic pare razy w tygodniu tez).
10-13 Tygodni Clomid,150mg-3 tabletki pierwszy dzien,100mg do konca tygodnia i 50mg<---1 tabletka do pozostalych 2 tygodnie.

Powodzenia! Jak masz putania to pytaj.

jyzza said:
1-8 100mg Test Prop EOD
1-4 30mg D-bol ED
5-9 50mg Winstrol ED
10-13 Clomid ED

Thats not bad, but not my choice for a first cycle! If I could do it al over again, I would have used 1 type of steroid my first cycle. I would have like to see how I felt when only using one at a time!

I would do Test/D-bol first and save the Winstrol (winny) for the next time. Also, I would use enanthate as the test.

Week 1 to 10: 1.5cc a week = 375mg
Week 1 to 5: 25mg d-bol ED
Week 1 to 15: .25mg of l-dex eod
Week 13 to 15: clomid therapy

Keep it simple stupid!

I would do Test/D-bol first and save the Winstrol (winny) for the next time. Also, I would use enanthate as the test.

Week 1 to 10: 1.5cc a week = 375mg
Week 1 to 5: 25mg d-bol ED
Week 1 to 15: .25mg of l-dex eod
Week 13 to 15: clomid therapy

Thats fine, at some point I got lost and forgot that it was his first cycle....:moon: LOL
ruff, winstrol mozna pic, normalny winstrol, naprzyklad Zambony(Winstrol).

Nawet ten cykl to zostaw winstrol.

Zrub tak...
Week 1 to 10: 1.5cc a week = 375mg..Test Enathate
Week 1 to 5: 25mg d-bol ED
Week 1 to 15: .25mg of l-dex eod
Week 13 to 15: clomid therapy

Nie rub tapering ani frontloading. To jest twuj pierwszy raz. Po co nawet bys robil tapering?? Test enathate zajmie 2 tygodnie zanim zachnie dzialac. w US wszyscy robiol takie cycle i so monsterami. Ja tez. Zrobilem takich 3 i uroslem 25 kilo. Popach no member pictures pod moije imie i mnie zobaczysz. Zacholem kiedy bylem okolo 80 kilo a teraz okolo 105 kilo i rosne.