Second Cycle


New member
Im going to start a second cycle in a week...
Im 5'11 at 195 lbs
been working out approx. 3 years

My first cycle i did 500mg of Sustanon (sust) per week for 8 weeks
i dissappointedly did not use any d-bol or anything else...

I have some more duratest and these are my plans...
week 1 and 2 750mg test
week 3, 4 and 5 500mg test
week 6 250mg test

Im tryin to figure out whether i should use d-bols or another juice such as deca or Equip .. i think i will end up with just d-bols for first 4 weeks... i was thinking maybe anadrol but i dont want to gain anything i wont keep... i kept everything from my first cycle... i went slowly from 185-195... my strength went up from a max bench of 215 to a max of about 325... i didnt use any anti est or anything... but its been over 2 1/2 months since the end of that cycle and i still have all the strength and size i gained... im looking into strenth gains as well as maybe another 10 pounds... i guess i didnt react that well to the test cause both my friends gained much more than me but they also dropped most of it after the cycle while i didnt so im happy... im looking to cut up a little also... could i add some primo or something at the end of the cycle? I know i should be bulking and cutting at the same time but i dont get high water retention... any suggestions would be appreciated...
6wks is too short

Go a solid 10

750mg/wk should be just fine or 500mg stacked with Eq or Deca.

Add a litte oral in the beginning if ya like.
I agree, my best gains on Ethanate are made in weeks 5-8. I would go 10 weeks minimum, no need to taper BTW, you are shortcahnging yourself gains. Run 500mg of Test per week, and throw in 25-30mg of dbol the first 4 weeks.
i agree with everyone else--extend that cycle to at least 8 but i would prefer 10 wks--keep the test level constant at 750mg wk---add an oral the first 3-4 wks
Whatever test you use is up to you, but you generally have the right idea for how your going to use it. However, theres no need to tapper down, just keep the test levels steady. Considering your stats and experience, I would go with
500 test/ 1-10
400 EQ/1-10
and if you want to run dbol, 30mg/1-4
If you run the cycle you have posted go 10-12 weeks at the same dose all the way through. If you want to frontload go ahead.

i was lookin at usin Eq but you have to take it EOD right? what size viles/amps they come in there only like 50 mg a piece right?
Uneek4L said:
i was lookin at usin Eq but you have to take it EOD right? what size viles/amps they come in there only like 50 mg a piece right?
You can get 200mg/ml and do 2 shots a week.

if i were you i would only use 2 compounds max. use either the EQ with the test or the D-bol. really no need for more than that at this stage. plus the EQ ahould be run for at least 8 , 10 -12 weeks being better
How about primobolan and Sustanon (sust) together .. i changed my mind and want to cut up a little more along with the size... im going to most likely do 500mg Sustanon (sust) for 10 weeks... how would i stack the primo with it??

Get some enanthate. If you can find primo(it's out there) that's legit. Use 400-500mg of enan and 300-400mg of primo.

Uneek4L said:
How about primobolan and Sustanon (sust) together .. i changed my mind and want to cut up a little more along with the size... im going to most likely do 500mg Sustanon (sust) for 10 weeks... how would i stack the primo with it??


If you are not 100% sure that you can get REAL Primo, which it is very hard to find, I would not go with Primo! You will spend a shitload of money and probably get fake gear!
Why not stick with the EQ? It is a great choice if you are looking to put on size and have the lean ripped look! Shit, I would go with EQ over Primo anyday! Primo is too damn expensive and it is not likely you will get legit Primo. My advice would be to go with the EQ, it is alot cheaper and if you train hard and maintain a proper diet you will achieve the look you are aiming for.;)
Well this was what i was planning...
500 mg Sustanon (sust) for 8 weeks
6th and 7th week - 100 mg primo
8 th 9th and 10 th week - 200 mg primo

I already have the duratest im workin on the primo... my friend already used the primo i would get and it worked great for him so im assuming its legit... not sure if its still available but most likely... enough Eq will cost me alot more than the primo but i was definatly looking into it for a next cycle... not sure if i want to do it yet... probly be alot more costly than that much primo... plus Eq isnt to readily available around here...... I cant decide... i wasnt thinkin winstorl but more expensive than the primo... :confused: