Hi there,
Been 4 month on Test E 250mg E7D last summer. Though it was not a huge dose, i had nice gains, very good recovery and insane mood, without any sides.
I'm going to repeat this scheme for this summer, but now i'm not sure if
- Its better to keep same dosage and run for 6 months
- Going up like 300mg or E5D, and only running 4 month (until I'm our of gear)
Furthermore, does it make sense to Stack Prohormones to it? I still have some Triumphalis, Halodrol and Tren. Would it mae sense to use one of these components maybe during cycle for 1 months, or running 1 month on start and one on end of my test cycle?
Been 4 month on Test E 250mg E7D last summer. Though it was not a huge dose, i had nice gains, very good recovery and insane mood, without any sides.
I'm going to repeat this scheme for this summer, but now i'm not sure if
- Its better to keep same dosage and run for 6 months
- Going up like 300mg or E5D, and only running 4 month (until I'm our of gear)
Furthermore, does it make sense to Stack Prohormones to it? I still have some Triumphalis, Halodrol and Tren. Would it mae sense to use one of these components maybe during cycle for 1 months, or running 1 month on start and one on end of my test cycle?