Second Test Cycle, Duration, Dosage and Stacking?


New member
Hi there,

Been 4 month on Test E 250mg E7D last summer. Though it was not a huge dose, i had nice gains, very good recovery and insane mood, without any sides.

I'm going to repeat this scheme for this summer, but now i'm not sure if

- Its better to keep same dosage and run for 6 months
- Going up like 300mg or E5D, and only running 4 month (until I'm our of gear)

Furthermore, does it make sense to Stack Prohormones to it? I still have some Triumphalis, Halodrol and Tren. Would it mae sense to use one of these components maybe during cycle for 1 months, or running 1 month on start and one on end of my test cycle?
Welcome to the boards! To be able to give you the proper advice we need your stats, age, weight etc. Thanks!
Welcome to the boards! To be able to give you the proper advice we need your stats, age, weight etc. Thanks!

Hey Milton,

Of course, sorry, I forgot. I'm 34 years old. 5 feet 10 inches, with currently 180 lbs, at around 15% BF. Will cut down to around 10-12%, not below, because my focus is MMA and in addition to that my face looks like I'm suffering from cancer if i go lower.

Going to the Gym regularly since 3 years, having around 4-6 workouts/week.
Are you sure you did not have Low Testosteron to begin with before ever starting your first cycle? You were running a dose just slightly above what some 70 year old men run just to have morning wood-- and if you got good gains from that that leads me to believe you had low t to begin with.

now you want to run a low dose of test for 6 months as your cycle ? are you aware that the longer you are on the harder it is to recover , AND that it is NOT the amount of gear that you run that makes recovery difficult, but the length of time you are on the gear?

example -
600 mg of test prop for 5 weeks is WAY easier to recover from then
100 mg of test cyp for 5 months

your better off running a basic 12 week long cycle at reasonable dosages , then running a low dose 6 month long cycle and risk ruining your hpta for good and be stuck on TRT for the rest of your life.
If your worried about higher dosages, don't be, just learn how to manage sides. That's pretty easy to do if you know what your doing
As long as you follow time off equals time on plus pct I'm not saying anything other than I do feel 6 months is long for a second cycle even using a low dose like 250mg ew or 300mg e5d.

4 months is cool.

good luck
Hey dudes,

Many thanks for your replies.

Regarding my natural Test, it differs, but it was always in above average range for my reference group (male, 30-35)
Of course after my cycle it was down as well as my ball size, but completely recovered (even without PCT)

Its hard to tell, maybe also my supplies have been overdosed, since I got a good quality batch. Furthermore i forgot to mention that I also stacked Trimphalis PH for 2 weeks during this cycle and 3 weeks Trendione. Maybe those components also did their best here for the gains.

I always thought that running less than 3 months is pretty useless (everybody told me "Muscle building takes time, even on gear"), so after your 2 opinions, i tend more to have it only running 4 months, going up on dose and switching to e5d.

I had visited an endocrinologist will watch me during my cycle, and he didn't say a word about my cycle lenght, he just mentioned to keep the dose as los as possible, as long as i notice gains in strength, mood and muscles.

Anyways, thanks so far, more opinions always welcome.

Regarding stacking, any optinions here? I also have testogel (yeah, i know its only TRT stuff), but would a daily dose in addition make sense? also to maybe keep the levels stable?

as for stacking --
why would you want to stack a 'pro-hormone' , which is meant to 'convert to testosterone' in the body , when your going to be injecting testosterone itself into the body anyways ? Same with the testogel . both of those things are meant to increase the hormone testosterone in the body . BUT you are going to be injecting exogenous test anyways , you don't need more hormone produced in the body , when your injecting test from outside the body from a bottle . if you want more test in your system you just simply inject more.

if you were going to 'stack' then I'd recommend stacking with another AAS compound. Maybe run an oral like VAR or Tbol for the first 6 weeks with your test.
Heya Roush,

Well, maybe prohormone was the wrong term. From my unserstanding, Triumphalis and Halodrol are real AAS, marketed as prohormones, very similar to TBOL, and not those "it might convert to test" stuff.

Unfortunately i do not have any sources to get TBOL or similar. The last try i gave ended up getting some fakes only containing Methytestosterone, yay
if its not something you can get from a pharmacy (wither human grade or veterinarian grade*) with a prescription , then its NOT real AAS (like test, deca, primo, winstrol, tren* etc.) . then its a 'pro-hormone' that is being sold without FDA approval as a supplement. And it may in chemical structure look similar to AAS , but having been altered at some points in the chain/chemical make up
Believe me , Amazon does not sell REAL AAS like Nandrolone, yet they sell "Triumphalis" -- there is a reason why.

I'd stick to real AAS . with this pro hormone stuff you don't really know what your getting (until your liver shuts down from the crap)
no stacking for u yet sir....

pro hormone s are way to pot. unknown variables more apt to fuck u than help...
Yeah definitely. Unfortunately in my country only Test is available as prescription drug, pretty annoying. Well I'll see, i rather prefer taking more of the pharmacy stuff before getting some fakes or even crap from an ulab. I can raise the dose and stack once i really have the feeling not gaining...