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like everyone i need help. At 6'2" 140 im skinny, ive followed forums and others, ive been on a 3500-4000 cal diet, in the gym 5 days a weeks on strict high weight low rep and no cardio for 6 months with minor gains. i want juice but the right type. Ive looked into testosterone, hgh, trembolone acetate, enanthate, clomid, D-bol, sustanon. Whats right for me?
How many times a day do you eat? Have you written down everything you eat and actually seen on paper how many cals you eat? Maybe 4000 isn't enough for you to grow maybe you should bump it to 4500-5000. It might be possible you have an over active thyroid and need to get checked out. Explore all these possibilities before you jump on gear.
you're not eating 3500-4000 calories, it's as simple as that

i'm 6'2", and at one point i was 145 pounds, i tried bulking and thought i was eating 3400 calories a day. When i didn't make any gains i broke down a bought a food scale, guess who was actually eating an average of 2400 calories?

simply put, you're a lightweight and you have trouble shoveling enough food down your throat to bulk properly. lots of people have that issue, and steroids aren't going to help at all. if you cant get in the 3-4k calories a day, then you wont make any gains with or without artificial hormones. spend the next 2 months trying as hard as you can to eat everything in sight, never, ever be hungry. never go more than 2 hours without eating. throw in a couple protein shakes for good measure. Basically, just do everything you can to stretch out your stomach and get used to eating larger amounts of food.

Once you get that down, concentrate on actually finding a consistent, clean bulking diet. 3J can help you out for a small price if you have trouble doing it yourself. Dont even touch steroids until your >200 pounds
you're not eating 3500-4000 calories, it's as simple as that

i'm 6'2", and at one point i was 145 pounds, i tried bulking and thought i was eating 3400 calories a day. When i didn't make any gains i broke down a bought a food scale, guess who was actually eating an average of 2400 calories?

simply put, you're a lightweight and you have trouble shoveling enough food down your throat to bulk properly. lots of people have that issue, and steroids aren't going to help at all. if you cant get in the 3-4k calories a day, then you wont make any gains with or without artificial hormones. spend the next 2 months trying as hard as you can to eat everything in sight, never, ever be hungry. never go more than 2 hours without eating. throw in a couple protein shakes for good measure. Basically, just do everything you can to stretch out your stomach and get used to eating larger amounts of food.

Once you get that down, concentrate on actually finding a consistent, clean bulking diet. 3J can help you out for a small price if you have trouble doing it yourself. Dont even touch steroids until your >200 pounds

+1 Diet is 75% or more in importance of the goal you are looking for. If you don't eat correctly, the "juice" you are going to buy will 1) go to waste, 2) potentially cause you inconveniences, at the cost of NO real results.
would gnc have a food scale? And thanks for the advice im going to continue to stuff and stretch. thanks for the advice.

Try to see how much your eating and to calculate your proteins, fat and carbs.
would gnc have a food scale? And thanks for the advice im going to continue to stuff and stretch. thanks for the advice.

gnc might, any large store with a cooking section should have a food scale too, or you can get one online easily enough

shouldn't set you back more than $15-50 depending on how good a one you want

and good luck to you man, i was there once myself and i know how hard it is, stick to it and you'll be 200+ in no time
X 2 on fitday. At one time I thought I was eating a ton. Turned out to be 2200 cals. Now I eat that by lunch time most days. You really have to focus on eating 3500-4000 cals consistently everyday. It doesn't have to be clean right now just get the calories. Find things you like to eat that are high cals. Stick with heavy low reps. At the very least you will gain some muscle and strengthen your tendons so they are ready when you do cycle and help avoid injury.

We/I will help anytime you need it and if you go to the diet forum and talk to 3J, the forum mod, he will get you where you want to be. Good luck and keep eating. Eat before bed and casien shake. Pints of ice cream are 1000 cals for some brands which is good before bed after a steak. You probably have the body type that won't get fat so get the cals high and keep track of exactly how many you get.
X 2 on fitday. At one time I thought I was eating a ton. Turned out to be 2200 cals. Now I eat that by lunch time most days. You really have to focus on eating 3500-4000 cals consistently everyday. It doesn't have to be clean right now just get the calories. Find things you like to eat that are high cals. Stick with heavy low reps. At the very least you will gain some muscle and strengthen your tendons so they are ready when you do cycle and help avoid injury.

We/I will help anytime you need it and if you go to the diet forum and talk to 3J, the forum mod, he will get you where you want to be. Good luck and keep eating. Eat before bed and casien shake. Pints of ice cream are 1000 cals for some brands which is good before bed after a steak. You probably have the body type that won't get fat so get the cals high and keep track of exactly how many you get.

I thought for sure my cal intake was high but after checking my cal intak it was a disappointing 2600, i went straight to the grocery store to stock up. I'm looking into competitive eating to see how to safely and effectively stretch my stomach. I'm very determined to achieve the results i want so if you could also point me in the direction of a guaranteed workout itd be most appreciated. You guys have been more than helpful, thank you for saving me the disappointment i would have gone through and setting me on the right track.
I thought for sure my cal intake was high but after checking my cal intak it was a disappointing 2600, i went straight to the grocery store to stock up. I'm looking into competitive eating to see how to safely and effectively stretch my stomach. I'm very determined to achieve the results i want so if you could also point me in the direction of a guaranteed workout itd be most appreciated. You guys have been more than helpful, thank you for saving me the disappointment i would have gone through and setting me on the right track.

dude you dont need to stretch your stomach.. dont go doing something stupid like that

3 people have told you to contact me or go into the diet section and your still sitting here...

get in the diet section and ill critique your diet for free....

if you wanna take it a step further your more then welcome to become a client but i wouldn't shy any member here away from the free advice...

get to it bro!
3J is your best bet. I can advise higher cals but he can actually look at types of foods, how much of everything you need, and when. You will be suprised what a couple months of doing things right can do for you. That's the same time you would have spent on a cycle and risk losing the gains but this way you need to worry about that.
im new to the forum and see alot of post in the diet section directed to you but received no reply post, i am serious about this so i do want to post in the right place in order to get your advice. where can i directly speak to you?
im new to the forum and see alot of post in the diet section directed to you but received no reply post, i am serious about this so i do want to post in the right place in order to get your advice. where can i directly speak to you?

i can understand what your saying...

i have paying clients who get my attention first..

also if you go into the diet section you will see that i have responded to everyone now..

it just takes some patience.. im very busy with my nutrition business..

im sure you can understand..

if you post in my free diet advice thread i usually answer that at least twice a week..