setting up a schedule


New member
allright I think I'm ready to find a plan to stick to for a while i'm just comming off of a month long lay-off from work so I bought what I could but I don't have much money to play around with.

I'll re introduce myself and post some stats...I'm 26 years old, 225 lbs, 5'9". I'm pretty sloppy lookin but I have a good muscle base. I benched 475 in my last comp. and am pressing 500 now. I have gyno and love handles. I used to lift four times a week till I screwed my knees up now I can't do legs anymore, so It's been two benching days. last week, however, I started lifting more like a bodybuilder...four upper body days and I'm starting legs back up on a trial basis, so thats 5 days a week. I'm takin 400 mg/wk test enanthate.

I have always eaten two meals a day, one of them always fast food. I drank beer every night, heavily on weekends. I quit that completely last week. last weekend was my first weekend without drinking since I was 15....literally. I don't know what the hell I'm gonna do socially now! guess I'll have to get one of them playstations :sleep: maybe take smokin back up too :druggie:

anyway so now I'm ready to loose the weight...all of it. I have the best semblance of a diet plan I can come up with here.

ok heres what I'm thinking....

7:00 40 mg whey protien shake + oatmeal

10:00 5 hard boiled eggs

1:00 protien shake + peanuts

3:00 some kind of chicken...either salad or wrap.

5:00 veggies + whatever protien available.

PreW bannana + protien shake.

PostW chicken or eggs and fish oil

bed veggies

thanks a lot for any help fellas.
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one thing I'm seeing as I go through the archives of this site is I'm not getting enough carbs and maybe not enough protien.

what are some types of carbs I can readily have available? I work all day then eat and go to the gym, then bed. the carbs I'm seing here need to be prepared. are there any carbs that I can just take with me? I mean most fruits will work just fine, right?
because the other one is based on kind of a silly concept and I want a more legitimate thread to base my diet on. I don't expect a thread that was going in that direction to get much attention. I also posted the same thing on and just got ribbed a bit.

I'm real f'n pumped to start doing this diet thing right....long term but I don't want to miss possible good advise because my thread started stupid. I hang out on a lot of forums, powerlifting and HVAC, and if it's something stupid from the beginning I don't even read it, though I probably could be of some help.

BTW, I did appreciate your help on the other thread bro.
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well I've been checking this pretty much every day. I know there are about ten million threads exactly like this one...everyone wants specific advise to themselves without having to do any homework.

thing is, though, it's been about a week and a half and I expected to loose a pound or two by now...but I'm actually up a little. I have a slow metabolism. it has always been easy for me to gain muscle and tough to loose fat. is it possible that I am taking in too much protien? I know protien turns to fat last but it's about all I'm taking in. My assumption has always been that my slow metabolism is a result of my eating habits.

how long does it take for an average persons body to react to the 6 meals a day by way of boosting metabolism? could I expect to hang in at the same weight for a few weeks before I start a slow descent in weight?

My goal, after some reading, is two or three pounds a week of weight loss. I'm not looking for a mericle here but if changes need to be made I'd like to make them ASAP.

ok, well if I could just get help on that last question it'd be cool. I don't have time in the morning to do cardio because the gym doesn't open till 5:30. I'm trying to decide what to do....I could go only on weekends and wednesday (my off day), but I'd rather just go every night. should I expect to loose huge amounts of muscle from doing 45 mins of cardio right after lifting?

just a yes or no fellas....I'd really appreciate the help.
Hmm - I don't know where to start.

Do you have any pictures or a bodyfat taken recently?

Also what time do you have to be at work in the morning and what time do you get done.

If you can fill in some of this info that would be helpful.

Also - What did those 2 meals look like that you were eating each day.
thanks man. yeah, I have a pic but I wouldn't have the first clue how to post it. I think my bf is around 20%.

Work schedule always changes. usually I'm on the road by 6:15, sometimes not till 7:30. I'm an apprentice and don't really get any say in what time we head out. home- usually around 5. The gym is rediculiously busy untill 8, thats when I go.

lets see...the way I used to eat. fast food for lunch and a huge dinner. I never worried about fat or carbs, just as long as it was high in protien. I always got an extra burger w/ lunch and dinner was usually a ton of eggs w/ toast, steak w/ potatoes, more burgers....stuff like that. I also drank three or four protien shakes a day.

hey, thanks a lot bro.
not exactly at the times I like but I havn't had a problem so far stopping at 10:00, 1:00, and least within a half hour of these times. Its tough to do sometimes though.
quartertonroche said:
should I expect to loose huge amounts of muscle from doing 45 mins of cardio right after lifting?


Not only are you delaying PWO (postworkout) nutrition which is the most anabolic time of day, but your muscles are already in an extremely vulnerable state, and running will make you go catabolic very quickly.

Critiquing your diet will be much easier if you add up your macronutrients (protein/fat/carbs) for each meal.

Postworkout meal should be protein/carb, preferably whey and dextrose in a 1:2 ratio or whey/dextrose/maltodextrin in a 1:1:1 ratio.
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ok I'll get to breaking it down when I have a chance but it's basicly what I posted before, with the addition of tuna, a few cans in the place of eggs sometimes. I'm trying to develop some sort of tolerance for it....yuck.

So I can assume that throwing back a protien shake after lifting and before cardio won't spare me the catabolism I'm trying to aviod? guess it's a given...I won't be absorbing it while running.

I guess I could break lifting down to three days and do cardio on the off liftin days, but as I said I came into this program as a 500 lb bencher and It took me years to get that high. I don't want to trade strength for being lean....some but not all.

well It's been about three weeks and I've been super strict w/ my diet, but still 220 lbs. I've done cardio 5 times a week and been taking ephedra, liftin like a weight loss at all.

my strength is still there but I get tired real quickly. gotta be carb lack.

thanks for the help!
Bro, first off, let me say congratulations for deciding to give your life a change. That is half the battle. :bigok:

Tuna is much MUCH better if you put some hot sauce on it... I tried this about a month ago, and I cannot eat plain tuna now because of the difference. Try Frank's Red Hot sauce or Taco Bell hot sauce... louisiana isn't a bad one either.

You could try a diet something like this... I'd look into getting some dextrose and maybe some maltodextrin for your PWO shakes to replentish glycogen stores in the muscles after a workout and help more protein be assimilated.

Meal 1:
Lean Protein, 1/2 cup oatmeal


Meal 2:
Protein shake/Lean Protein and 1/4 cup peanuts

Meal 3:
Veggies, Lean Protein


Meal 4:
PWO Nutrition

Meal 5:
Veggies, Lean Protein, 1/2 cup rice or oatmeal.

Meal 6:
Shake with Flax or Lean Proten and 1 tbsb Olive oil

I think cardio is most effective in the AM on an empty stomach, you can keep your heart rate up to around 70-80% of your MHR (220-age) for 45-60 minutes and as long as there is no food in your system, it will work wonders for fat loss. Fast walking on a treadmill set at a 4.0 or 4.5 incline is a great cardio workout.
shit i can't scedual anyting right, neither can i spell correct, anyway, I stick to lots of chop meat and rice, fucken awsome and delicious. Bulking up for almost 1year now, made 70 pounds gains, fat as fuck(just kidding well i soon be).
Anyway my scedual , well i dont have one i just fucken eat when ever i can. I basically stick to compound movements and i think that's whats important here.

265 lbs
25% bf
Okay. Why are you doing cardio before you get your diet in check?

Strength decreases will happen when dieting. It doesn't mean you're catabolic. It means you don't have enough fuel to finish the set. It'll come back once you've lost the fat and start to bulk again.

Work, Eat, REST