Sex Addiction

IMT staff

Official Sponsor
In today’s hyper-active social setup sex addiction has become a prevailing malady.

The major problem with this condition is that not many people see this as a problem in the first place. While most people are oblivious to what sex addiction is, those that do acknowledge it have sought help for it.

While a healthy sex life is good for the body, excessive indulgence in the act or obsessing about it can have a negative impact on your personal life. To define what sex addiction is, in simple words: it is the presence of a strong urge to have sex as often as you can or get sexual gratification via pornography, masturbation, flirting or in severe cases even voyeurism. This urge manifests through certain behaviour that makes a person a sex addict. So in case you were wondering if you might be part of the gang, read on to see if the signs are visible in your life.

Sex Addiction - Blog - Testosterone replacement & general men's health articles