Sex Drive Down after 12 Week cycle of t250 and masteron


New member
My buddy ran a 12 week cycle of test 250 and tren for 6weeks and test250 and masteron for 6 weeks his pct was 30days 50mg of Nova. He finished his post 2 months ago and is complaining about his sex drive being down and was advised to run hcg 1250iU a week for 4 weeks I'm not that educated on hcg and was wondering if this will work to increase sex drive and increase testicle size?
yes it will.. run 500iu twice a week for 4 weeks and then run 50mg clomid ed for 4 weeks he should recover much better..

people forget that tren is a 19-nor.. it suppresses your hpta the hardest, after one injection your down over 90% of your natty production.. any 19-nor will do that. including deca..

some people dont recover well from tren and end up on trt.. thats why we make sure its a compound you use late in your cycle career.. where you are more committed..