shoot into vein


The Great
i injected my delt this morning and i think i injected directly into a vein. the blood shot out like spidermans web. i've never seen it shoot out like that. i am kinda scared because i have heard that you can get an anurisem. i also have a big lump. should i worry ? thanks
Bro I'm sorry but how the hell did you hit a vain in your delt? Dam A guy cant hit a vain in the delt if he tryed to. I shoot my delt all the time and constently shoot in different spots in the delt for years and have never hit a vain. All I'm saying is fuck bro thats some luck you should play your lockal Lottery numbers game tonight I think you'll win. Obviously keep an eye on it an see if it gets worse...But I'd be willing to bet you;ll be ok....
I've always wondered: if you used a carrier other than oil, what would be the harm injecting IV? One would achieve their desired blood concentrations in minutes rather than days.
Basically you went through a vein coming back out. Thats why the blood shot out. The lump is frrom the oil, it will eventually get absorbed. I don't think you have anything to woory about.
if you injected into a vein you would certaintly know it.....your chest will get EXTREMELY tight like someones squeezing the life outta you ya get very dizzy you can taste the gear in the back of your throat youll cough profussely.....its the worst
Basically you went through a vein coming back out. Thats why the blood shot out. The lump is frrom the oil, it will eventually get absorbed. I don't think you have anything to woory about.

When you stop and think about it this makes perfect sense..
I've always wondered: if you used a carrier other than oil, what would be the harm injecting IV? One would achieve their desired blood concentrations in minutes rather than days.

Dont think it works that way broski. The ester still needs to be metabolized before the hormone can be released. this wouldnt happen any faster in bloodstream than in the muscle.

i shot 3cc of equipose. i have hit the same delt over 50 times without a drop of blood. this time i had blood from my neck to my wrist. and my throat got sore as hell too. i just got worried because i've had blood come out but not at that rate.
Lol, no you pull back on the plunger to make sure no blood in the syringe.
yes it happened to a friend of mine, also injecting in the glute, you probably only passed through a vein. He also told me how the blood was spitting all around...
You definitely didn't shoot it in your vein. Like everyone else said. I've had the same problem in my quad it shot out and hit the wall scared the hell out of me.. You'll be fine..
i shot 3cc of equipose. i have hit the same delt over 50 times without a drop of blood. this time i had blood from my neck to my wrist. and my throat got sore as hell too. i just got worried because i've had blood come out but not at that rate.

Did you just finish up with a workout before you pinned?... I made the mistake of pinning my quad about 1 hour after a leg workout. Apparently, there was still a lot of blood in my legs from lifting... I passed through a vein and blood shot out on to the floor and ran down my leg, when I pulled the pin out. It was pretty messing.

I got into a vein once in my quad (was not deep enough)... There was a burning sensation present, I aspirated, and saw blood in the barrel, moved to a new spot and injected.

I've aways heard that you will begin to cough if you shoot into a vein... Heard the compound collects in your lungs quickly and causes a cough. Don't know if there is any truth to that though.
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