shootin pain in elbow


New member
When I lift im getting this shooting pain on the inner side of my arm next to my elbow. I think it may be a tendon. It's in the area where athletes get tommy john surgery. What do you guys suggest I do-It's getting to the point where I cant lift because of the pain. Should I ice then apply heat? Should I just apply heat? Any advice is appreciated.
How much weight are you lifting when you begin to feel the sharp pains?

Have you tired wearing one of those Elbow Supports?

Applying RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) to any sport related injury is always good especially the first 48-72 hours.

How long has it been bothering you?
Rest it man. Just like Smilee said.

When it comes down to it sometimes the body needs rest, even if it means slowing gains or even losing a little.

Treating an injury when its only a minor pain that pops up when lifting is far better than developing a form of tendinitis that is lifelong(I have achilles tendinitis in both legs now...)
Sounds like tendinitis my doctor said I had. I babied it for a long time and it always was sore. One day I just lifted through it. It hurt when I did triceps so I just loaded up the bar and skull crushed the hell out of it and it hasn't hurt since, BUT that is me might not work for you.
You might want to take NSAIDS-nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents/analgesics

Works great....Good for water in the knee.

Apply ice,,,then let it warm itself up...never use heat.I had Physical therapy in college and one must never use heat at all...The body will use heat itself as to tell you that you have an injury.

Then put more ice on it....

You might want to try another exercise for that joint.Like using barbells instead of a straight bar.
I have had a similar problem for the last year, it could be bone spurs or tendonitis. I have tried everything, Aleve works for awhile but before I lift I rub skeletal balm on both elbows which has helped as well.