Shopping for Chicken Breast

i know a butcher... i work with one... but, unfortunately he works for a major chain so, he can't really give me a good deal. I'll have to see if he knows anyone around the GTA

def poke around meat markets, I will try to get ahold of a wholesale chicken site a coworker uses, good prices as well.
I buy mine from chicken plants around my area. I go to Tyson and buy direct from them for a dollar a pound. They only sell on certain days and do not advertise because of conflict of interest from local grocery stores. Its all fresh when I buy it. I put it in storage bags and freeze it. Usually get 60 lbs a trip, which is 3 boxes of boneless skinless breast. I live in the south where chicken plants are more common.
You would think that the rest. in the hotel would order in bulk and let you buy a case of chicken breasts at a better deal than buying retail.

yeah, the problem is that hotels and restaurants use accounting methods that don't allow for petty cash much. So it's not so much that the manager won't let someone, it's that they don't have a mechanism to take your cash mayment and get it onto the books when all the accounting is done electronically.Smaller or niche places maybe, but round here it's tough.

I got kicked outta a parking lot bc I had a meat distriburtor deliver to me at a local restaurant. It was kinda funny, but it put the driver in an awkward spot since he was just doing as told.
one other suggestion is to get to walmart/kroger/heb/wherever and catch them at the end of the day when they have a bunch of rotissrie chickens around still. Some places use them for chik salad in the deli, but you can usually score severfal of them very cheap. and since they're already cooked you can just shred the meat off the carcass and freeze. then heat and eat.
If you have a Sam's Club card and you live in the Chicagoland area, you can get boneless/skinless chicken for $1.77/lb (If it is nearing end of code, it's marked down and cheaper.) I have found the independent grocers have better sale prices. So you have to eye the ads, and buy alot when the sales hit--you save. For example, three or so weeks ago I could get it for $1.38/lb and this week $1.58/lb. The same goes for the 93/7 ground turkey... $13.75 for 5lbs @ Sam's Club , but if I catch a sale at an independent , it's like $1.99 or $2.29/lb.