Short Superdrol Cycles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
So I made a huge post asking about superdrol cycles, very detailed, took about an half an hour to write (and it's gone :( ), was just wondering what kind of gains could a guy get from a 2 week cycle (I know it's short), ran it twice for a month, and again for 3 weeks, with a nice cut and decent gains, was baseline on it or taking clen with or without it, get very few side on sdrol is why I was considering running them both for an incredible two week slam, was hoping to start my clen with a nice anti-catabolic bulk/cut, while I ran my usual 3500 cal diet but burning extra fat in process, so I could tweak a little muscle in and to just get a nice crisp cut and also to show my wife how effective it can be (she wants to lose weight badly, even more athletic than I am) in a very short period. I remember fasting for 4 days on sdrol and literally cut 1-2% fat off (at least it seemed like it). Also have aldactone to reduce water weight for an even more clean cut look.
Was just looking for input.
It really doesn't start kicking in until the second week. For me, I gained most of my weight from SD during weeks 2 and 3. Week four was when it started getting a little brutal with sides
Legit Superdrol turns you into a bigger beast within days if stacked with other hormones. 2 weeks is a waste of time and SD 4 weeks minimum with other steroids for longer of course.
How many total mgs do you have? My last batch of SD I had enough for 3 weeks at 10mg a day so I stayed at maintenance calories while dosing 10mg a day and still had ok results.

SD is a monster man, it's takes hardly any for results.
Legit Superdrol turns you into a bigger beast within days if stacked with other hormones. 2 weeks is a waste of time and SD 4 weeks minimum with other steroids for longer of course.

X2^^ i like 6, but no less than 4 weeks.

OP, Is there a specific reason you're wanting to run a "light switch" SD blast versus doing what you already know to work? Is it only because you're thinking of adding clen?

Also, are you wanting to show your wife because you're considering having her run sdrol? If so, have you researched this idea? Im not liking it ..but ill wait for your reply before jumping the gun.
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No not her take it, I gave her Helladrol and she couldn't even take it properly, I was talking clen since she only needs to take it once a day, meaning pretty hard to fail. Well I was forced to do a week of extra work instead of taking a layoff so I'm just gonna run clen these next two weeks and see how it goes.

6 weeks? Are you nuts? I'd rather just run it alongside testosterone for 4 then again at the end of the cycle.