should an estrogen blocker be used while one megaplexx cycle


New member
Should i use a estrogen blocker or something to prevent gyno while on megaplexx cycle. My nipps are getting little puffy and itchy. Im going to do the cycle for for weeks..barely starting the second week

week 1-4. Megaplexx 3 pills a day, cycle assist, liver support.

Pct week 4-8. Nolvadex 20/20/20/20
Thanks.. From wich company do i buy it..and this should help with stoping gyno during my cycle right.? Can u even develop gyno during the megaplex cycle ?
Thanks.. From wich company do i buy it..and this should help with stoping gyno during my cycle right.? Can u even develop gyno during the megaplex cycle ?

if you dont know what a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is or does you have no business touching meagplex. its 4 methyl PH's in one.

IMO is the dumbest anabolic one could take.

gyno comes from too much estrogen in the body. to stop estrogen from getting to high from aromatizing PH/AAS we take AI's to keep it under control.

so a estrogen blocker will not stop gyno. it will block estrogen which is where gyno comes from.

you wana run a cycle???

get a bottle of helladrol, that way you cant too do much damage
Thanks for describing how gyno is the question i have is do any of the compounds in megaplexx aromatize or should i only worry about gyno after the end of my cycle?
yes some of them do.

lmg is wet, also a progesterone. the others are dry, but SD will put on water weight also. quite a bit of it while being stacked with lmg.

i just think 22.5mg SD, 67.5 LMG, 45mg p mag, 30mg d zine is a very bad idea in general. only go 2 caps a day. stop at day 30, 33 max (@ 2 caps a day)
you really want something for prolacin, vitex, p5p,l dopa are all good. most gh boosters contain a mix of this stuff. well muca & l dopa. B6. etc etc.