should i just lower my t3 on my tren test blast?


recently started a 350 test prop 450 tren ace blast after a big 12 week cut. the 12 week cut included 75-100mcg cytomel and 3iu norditropin 5x a week.

i took a 2 and a half week break from the t3 while transitioning from my original cutting blast to the one i'm just started

hopped back on the t3 last week at the same dose because i want get down to 6-7% bodyfat, but i know what being on good tren is like.. even 350mg a week.. you gain clean mass like nothing, and i want a bit more gainz

so clearly doses like this of t3 hinder my gains i dont think it'd be such a bad idea to drop the tren to 25mcg ED. and now since i upped the norditropin to 4iu which leans me out no matter what i eat.. so wouldnt you all agree that i can still continue to lean out and just take the t3 just mainly to keep my thyroid in check while on the tren? (which i hope you all know lowers your thyroid)
IMOP you don't need any more t3. Your body is cooking all the BF issue left and drying out nicely from your report. t3 can cause some wasting if not careful. What is your BF% now?..