Should I ride the BEAST?


New member
hey brothers, i was just wondering if it would be in my best interest to do Beastdrol? I am no stranger to PHs and am looking into doing another cycle. I have used m1-D, 1AD,4AD, and others and just want to know what you guys think. Is Beastdrol worth a try or not? I already now what I use for PCT. Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated and taken into consideration. :flipoffha
Hard to find unbiased reviews, from my research it seems to work but very harsh and bad sides, if you get it would be interested in how it works for you, post a log, maybe it will clear the air.
Oh the beast is for real. I just finished my cycle. At the end I was up 17lb. The sides for me really started to take hold about day 25. I was doing 30 mg a day from the start and was going to go for a 30 day cycle,but I cut it short at the 28th day. Now I'm just looking to hold on to my gains.
Curious how your gains were, dry, bloated, defined, vascular, hard, sounds like it worked well that's good.
well I guess I will guinea up and try the stuff! I will keep a log for you guys and we will see how this stuff goes.

I will have an the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) Exemestane on hand for during the cycle and my PCT will be Nolva @ 40/40/20/20.

This should be okay I think. Oh..and a liver supp!
Good luck bro I am very. Interested in. Following your log. I hear the protein and carb intake is very important but I guess that goes for anything
I wouldn't think its any different than any other bulking cycle, so personally I wouldn't go crazy keep your calories over tdee. By 600 or so and keep your macros a 40/40/20. Otherwise all those pounds will be fat.
i keep my guys doing beast on 21 days blasts lapping over into another milder compound.

i have a friend on beast(21 days@30mg), helladrol(started day 15, ran 150mg ED until gone), n2quard, n2matrix, hcgnerate, post cycle-unleashed into bridge.

he just finished up the hella and is up 16 pounds and exceeded all his strength goals he had planned.

he is very happy with the results so far. :)
Curious how your gains were, dry, bloated, defined, vascular, hard, sounds like it worked well that's good.

Pretty much dry gains for sure, there may have been a little fluid retenion but not much. I dont want to say vascular, but I did get very good and pump up and held that pump look for longer after the workout. Im only about 3-4 days into my pct. Using novelex(spelling) 40mg a day + some test booster, I think its myotest. Anyways I was at 227lb by the end of the cycle, as of yesterday I was 221lb.
The beast will mess with you in more ways than one, for me its feeling tired for most of the cycle, but at the end it was BP and headaches with some nausea in the evenings.
Hope this helps:roll:
i would suggest starting off at a low dose say maybe 10/20/20/20 for a first cycle opposed to jumping into it, this way u can find ur "sweet" spot. Stuffs strong as hell so u'll want to have ur hawthorne berry, RYR, liv52,saw palmetto, and possibly a sleeping aid, Not a rep but i heard that Need2sleep is good (read it on another forum)
yeah i had really bad night sweats, lethargy like a mofo, libido probs, and High BP bad, it took well past post cycle therapy (pct) to recover lol. Also got really sick most of the cycle and post cycle therapy (pct) due to orals being Immunosuppressive. So next run ill be packing some penicillin from our neighbors in Mexico
QUOTE=BiGnNasty;2818918]i would suggest starting off at a low dose say maybe 10/20/20/20 for a first cycle opposed to jumping into it, this way u can find ur "sweet" spot. Stuffs strong as hell so u'll want to have ur hawthorne berry, RYR, liv52,saw palmetto, and possibly a sleeping aid, Not a rep but i heard that Need2sleep is good (read it on another forum)[/QUOTE]

:sleep: Yea some melatonin at the very least, but imo some good otc sleeping pills might be in order. Liver support is always a smart thing to use during something like this.
Do you really need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for beast or is it necessary?
I was thinking for pct either clomid or nolva, not both.
Either clomid@50/50/50/50
and nolva@20/20/10/10/10/10
Do you really need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for beast or is it necessary?
I was thinking for pct either clomid or nolva, not both.
Either clomid@50/50/50/50
and nolva@20/20/10/10/10/10

Superdrol does not convert to estro so unless u want a limp dick then lay off of an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). clomid will be fine but i prefer torem