Should i stop the tren e in my cycle ?


New member
im on a tren E test cyp and EQ cycle, i do 400 tren e ew, 500test cyp ew, 250EQ ew, the two tren e injections a week leave my glutes sore as hell and i am considering stopping the tren e. I am only 3 tren injections into the cycle and cant stand the soreness. I literally cant even go to the gym or walk. No infections or anything just plain soreness that goes away after 3-4 days. Should i drop the tren e ?
Welcome to the site! Please share your stats with us, cycle history, etc. dont forget that virgin muscles/areas are always going to hurt at first when you start. thanks!
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Does it seem to matter where you pin? Quads seem to always give me more pip than glutes, but that's me
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How long have u trained too. Tren s no joke but after she s in me if I do not cough in an anal painful way...g t g. U may have issues w what what it s made w issues with fina but she s a fickle bitch and no one can predict bitches. Noone except a whore and we pay them to LEAVE not for sex.

Ur young huh. 250 a week is chump for eq and if ur under 25-28 without sev cycles in your wake u got no biznet running tren.

Post a pic...double dare you.
Just another kid. Doesn't know what he is doing and afraid to tell us his stats. Probably 18 yrs old and going on Bro-science... info.

He throws out an indirect Q ? and hauls ass before he can get his ass kicked. Oh well...........

mike is in a bad mood again :chainsaw:
im on a tren E test cyp and EQ cycle, i do 400 tren e ew, 500test cyp ew, 250EQ ew, the two tren e injections a week leave my glutes sore as hell and i am considering stopping the tren e. I am only 3 tren injections into the cycle and cant stand the soreness. I literally cant even go to the gym or walk. No infections or anything just plain soreness that goes away after 3-4 days. Should i drop the tren e ?

I never had a problem with pip using tren. You may want to use a different lab. Sounds to me like there may too much ba. Try mixing it with the test and eq when you inject to dilute the solvent.