New member
Let me start by saying thanks in advance for any help from you guys. I'm new to this forum and aas use.
I started my first cycle with the advice of some friends just under 2 weeks ago but after reading these forums a lot the last few days I realize that I have done a few things wrong and shouldn't have just listened to my friends. I didn't get precycle blood work done. None of my 1/2 dozen friends who use aas ever mentioned it. Also none of them mentioned body fat %.
I'm 6'2, 250lbs and an estimated 23-24% body fat. Age 41. 7 years lifting. A shoulder injury forced me to take a long time off and that's why the high body fat at this time.
I front loaded test and took dbol at the beginning. BP went way up which lead to a Google search and that's how I found this forum. I stopped dbol after just a few days and have read here that I shouldn't have even front loaded the test. Started 250iu hcg day 5 and plan on using it and 250 test every 3.5 days as described in the first cycle sticky threads here. I'm using exemestane 12.5 mg ed since day one and have clomid and novla for pct. I plan on getting letro very soon in case it's needed and lisinopril for BP as well as donating blood.
Is it imperative that I stop now because of my high bf % or can I continue and just monitor things carefully?
If I can continue when should I get blood work done? On cycle blood work is usually done week 5 but since I front loaded could I get it done now? Or perhaps now just to check estrogen levels and again in a few weeks?
I'd like to continue this cycle as traveling for my job won't afford me another opportunity to this again until at least next year but if my risk for permanent damage is too high then I will stop, lose weight, and try again someday. Thanks.
I started my first cycle with the advice of some friends just under 2 weeks ago but after reading these forums a lot the last few days I realize that I have done a few things wrong and shouldn't have just listened to my friends. I didn't get precycle blood work done. None of my 1/2 dozen friends who use aas ever mentioned it. Also none of them mentioned body fat %.
I'm 6'2, 250lbs and an estimated 23-24% body fat. Age 41. 7 years lifting. A shoulder injury forced me to take a long time off and that's why the high body fat at this time.
I front loaded test and took dbol at the beginning. BP went way up which lead to a Google search and that's how I found this forum. I stopped dbol after just a few days and have read here that I shouldn't have even front loaded the test. Started 250iu hcg day 5 and plan on using it and 250 test every 3.5 days as described in the first cycle sticky threads here. I'm using exemestane 12.5 mg ed since day one and have clomid and novla for pct. I plan on getting letro very soon in case it's needed and lisinopril for BP as well as donating blood.
Is it imperative that I stop now because of my high bf % or can I continue and just monitor things carefully?
If I can continue when should I get blood work done? On cycle blood work is usually done week 5 but since I front loaded could I get it done now? Or perhaps now just to check estrogen levels and again in a few weeks?
I'd like to continue this cycle as traveling for my job won't afford me another opportunity to this again until at least next year but if my risk for permanent damage is too high then I will stop, lose weight, and try again someday. Thanks.