Should we tell her?

If you have to keep it from her then you'll have to answer later. It's inevitable me , not telling her could lead to a world of shit. Think of it this way.....if she is worth keeping and she don't want you to touch the shit , you figure which is more important...her or the juice. Your call bro
You want to get some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for a blast right before your pct, but i've very successfully used clomid (.5mg eod) for the duration of the cycle to keep "the boys" full. Just a thought, clomid is generally cheaper than Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and shutdown is shutdown so whats the difference?
I should have mentioned. If you are highly educated in this field , then you will already know how to approach this situation. Because you can tell her the pos/neg about what your getting into. I don't know what research you have done but "RESEARCH" is key. I'm not even gonna tell you how much I have but those who know and remember me know I shoot from the hip.....NO BS here. I've seen and heard it all in the past 12 years on these forums. I joined this one back in 2003. I am here to help as much as I can , but I by NO means know it all. I still have room to learn. But I have years of use.
Peace Oz
Also, you have to refrigerate the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) once its mixed. So just a heads up as to how you're gonna do that without her seeing it or just tell her its something else. But you say she's not a dumb
girl, so you need to think of something.
My wife has always been against "Roids!" Always, until one day, I was straight up and honest to her. I explained to her the benefits, possible side effects, and why I wanted to use. I also told her, if you see a change in me (negatively) that I would stop 100% clean. You know what, she was a go! She pins me every time! She's a nurse as well, so she pins very nicely I might add... Not a sex addict like yours so the sex drive made no difference exceott for me! The Test woke me up! LOL! She also liked the size gain, and joins me every day in the gym.

I'd sit her down first, explain to her honestly your thoughts, make sure she knows you're not on it yet, and go from there. If she's a go! Awesome! If she's not, then you figure out if it's worth hiding and possibly get caught for. If it is, just be good at it!
Also, you have to refrigerate the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) once its mixed. So just a heads up as to how you're gonna do that without her seeing it or just tell her its something else. But you say she's not a dumb
girl, so you need to think of something.

Get a label maker (they're like $18-24) and write whatever you want on it then say it's prescription or a supplement. B-12/IGF-1/T3/INSULIN/I don't care, be creative! You could also tape it to the top of a crisper drawer (who seriously ever looks at the top, inside a crisper drawer? You would have to stick your whole face in the crisper to see it!).
here's what experience tells me (many failed long-term relationships, not much AAS experience)...
1) if you lie, you will feel guilt...especially when she questions your sex-drive and any other sides (acne, vocal pitch, etc.)...she will feel that 'your not the same' when you're feeling guilty...she will feel bad about herself and become mad at you and/or run off and find a way to 'feel better' about herself.
2) if you tell the truth, you have her mouth to worry about...even if she has to tell her 'best friend(s)' to 'get it off her chest'. People/co-workers/friends/family absorb the sensations of other people's drama. And, if you two break up, like most GOOD break ups,...well, our imaginations can only guess to what extent she will go...and then she'll find a way to go further (you said she was smart)
---my advise: your 6 months now you should have an idea of if you're going to want to marry her or just nail her for a few months, years, whatever. If you truly believe she's the need to tell her "BEFORE" you pin to cut guilt off from the get-go. In the long-run, you'll be glad you didn't have to go through all that guilt/drama/lies that A LOT of people will tell you breaks relationships up. If you're having fun with her (shame on you) tear it up and keep mouth shut.
Wow, things have certainly changed, When i was 24 I had a different girl every nite. I didn't tell them shit. IMO If your not married just do your own thing. Your to young to be Whipped and tippie toe around some chic's emotions. Man -up and live your own life the way you wanna live it! If she sticks by you then cool, that will be your girl. Excepting you for you. If she can't handle aas in your life, Then some other girl will. I still believe that " Variety is the spice of life "