Shoulder injury recovery & redistribution of fat


New member
oh how wonderful being a woman is lol.. brown fat sucks!!! lol..

so after my last show, i had a partial tear in my serratus anterior giving me a wonderful winged scapula.. the angel in me had to break out sometime lol..

fucking painful!!! anyway, it killed me lifting anything overhead and anyone who knows me knows my best body part is my shoulders and back... i rehabbed it for about 3 months and then of course my stupid ass agressive personality went balls to the wall lifting again... but wouldn't ya know it, in the shower, reaching across my chest and scrubbing my back, i popped my scap out again and put myself back to square one...

so now it has been almost 6 months with zero training.. so i am sorry ladies i have not been posting lately but between working, no lifting, stress and my lack of motivation due to depression over this bullshit, i have been a bit mia... but enough of my pity party lol...

i want to bitch about fat redistribution!!! what is up with my belly fat!! NEVER before like this!! My ass did not blow up like i thought it would, but my belly did.. oh and my boobs are gigantic and they hurt so bad!! Normally i range around a 34b and right now i am a 36c!!! and not a flattering "oh i love my perky boob" feeling either, but a damn these things are heavy and swollen and they hurt kind of feeling.. and my belly.. wtf!! i really used to be a hip and butt gainer but now i am a belly gaining bitch! I swear i have been through so many damn physical stages in my life and every time it is something different!!
Men have no idea what we go through.. my man stops working out and gets thin that prick.. me, bring on the jellybelly lol.. they say every 7 years you go through a chemical change.. well i have seen many fat redistribution changes and this is my least favorite.. my arms just look thick as do my legs.. a little bit of a jiggly ass but that is no problem and will come in when i start training again, but this belly!!!

so... i am heading back to weight training after babying my shoulder for far too long and i will be using my var to assist with my strength and muscle repair.. no fatburners unfortunetly because my muscle can not afford any dehydration for fear of tearing again..

so see.. for those of you who have doubted ;) i am human and get fucked up too lol... daily struggles are mine as well and it AIN'T FUCKING EASY!!!

current stats: 5'5 155 18%bf i can't believe i got this heavy! 30lbs outta contest condition... and i can't wear my totally cute sexy ass outfits ;( and there is no way in hell i am buying new clothes; my wardrobe took years to assemble and perfect, so i gotta get back to 125-130 and like 10-12% bf to be my old super self :)

CAN I GET AN AMEN!! lol...
I totally sympathise my love.
I messed my right shoulder up last summer, and it took 4 months to sort itself out.
I didnt stop trainin completely, but i did light trainin on chest, couldnt work shoulders too heavy either. Infact i couldnt even lift my 2l water bottle.
Anyway like i say it stopped hurtin 4 months later, then bugger me, my left shoulder went!
Its only just now beggingn to start easin up.
I just couldnt stop trainin, but my chest was affected, little muscle and huge heavy boobs, my shoulders just looked an arse, and wel to be honest my body looked an arse,
17inch arms, 38dd chest on bloody shoulders.
Shoulders r now fillin out abit now and im managin to lift 30kg bench press on chest days wiv minimum pain.
Amen's nice to know someone else goes through the same crap I do! I'm 20-25 pounds up from contest sucks. I know alot of it is water and I'm still happy with my body but not as happy as I was!

Don't know damn well you can lose that may not be fun but it will be worth it in the end!!

As for our GodDamn boyfriends who can eat as much shit as they want and not gain an ounce.......fuck them all!!!!! Mine is the same way.....amazing body no matter what he eats.

Amen friend! And good luck! :druggie: