shoulder pain?

PeterPaul said:
You really shouldnt be benching down to your chest anyway. It takes the strain off the chest and places it directly on the shoulder, specifically the girdle. Anyway, for 99.9% of people the shoulders are in no way as strong as the chest, so benching like that is an injury waiting to happen~ especially if you have a separate day for shoulders. To keep the focus on your chest, when benching, your elbows should never break horizontal. This should keep the bar or dumbbells anywhere from 3 to 6" above your chest.

Good advice. About 6 months ago I started have similar pain. I ignored it.
Nov 23, 2006 I was doing benches 225. Not too much, but still a little on the heavy side for me. About 3/4 up- RRRIIIIIP, CRRRAAAAACK! My arm gave out and the bar dropped to my chest.
Long story short, MRI revealed a tear in my rotor cuff. I didnt start lifting again until a week ago. No more heavy benching and I don't go all the way down. No point in it other than to reinjure myself.
Like other people have said, get it checked out. MRI is the best way. And find different excersises do reach the same goals.

Good luck bro!
Honey4 said:
try this...


You do it and I'll spot you! :horny: