Shutdown after 3 jabs of testosterone?

Bro, we've both been here long enough that you should know its not always "about you", but people take what we say here and in these discussions as advice.
You're on TRT, not exactly the right characteristics to base non TRT cases on?

And the subject was about being suppressed and needing dangerous high doses of clomid for it to even be effective, which, in his case, would be better to let it bleed down first.
Then our advice differs about running clomid at all or not for him, in his very specific case, which is fine? :)

Three pins, a cycle does not make. Not one person on this site has done least I hope not. Lol

I'll try and keep my advice to myself unless specifically asked or.unless I feel someone is going through the same. My case is weird because I domt need natty level is 600. I'm just a psycho who wants to abuse hormones for my amusement. Again.....perhaps this renders my advice useless to most. Always rather enjoy our debates my man ;)
Sorry if I come across condescending or prickish.......I'm about 4 weeks into 700mg and starting to feel the dbol that I started late. I'm a big ball of estrogen:) AND STRONG AS FUCK

I may have overreacted a little. You told me I was wrong and that my advice made my pussy hurt. Lol
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Three pins, a cycle does not make. Not one person on this site has done least I hope not. Lol

I'll try and keep my advice to myself unless specifically asked or.unless I feel someone is going through the same. My case is weird because I domt need natty level is 600. I'm just a psycho who wants to abuse hormones for my amusement. Again.....perhaps this renders my advice useless to most. Always rather enjoy our debates my man ;)
Sorry if I come across condescending or prickish.......I'm about 4 weeks into 700mg and starting to feel the dbol that I started late. I'm a big ball of estrogen:) AND STRONG AS FUCK

I may have overreacted a little. You told me I was wrong and that my advice made my pussy hurt. Lol

Bro... You took this totally wrong way. And frankly as you say, this whole thread is sorta useless. 3 pins doesn't matter, he'll recover fine but feel like shit which is mostly crashing his estro. He took 1.75mg adex per week, which is waaay to much even for his test dose had he continued.
And thats not at all what I meant... You have both the knowledge and experience. I both like you and respect you but its a forum and without discussion and different opinions it will be pretty useless?
I just think you took it bit personal bro, we just had different opinions about OP's course of action would be. And i know you advocate for low dose clomid use and thats fine but in this case I didnt agree and ironically neither could be considered wrong (after bleed down). But at that point it shouldn't be needed anyhow.
Unless OP's come back with blood work its all guessing anyhow.
Very nice advice it was a pleasure reading.

Didn't we cover this in your other post?

When did your balls shrink? 2 weeks into cycle? Weird

750 is a lot of extra testosterone and when your body sees it the natural response is to lower or stop your natty production to compensate. Opposite goes for the adex you took. You took a high dosage and I would guess crashed your e2 maybe. So you have two things going on........testosterone level is high and not signaling for more, but likely estrogen low signaling body to make more test. Either way I would guess the libido issues are due 100% to your estrogen being all fucked up. Doubtful that 3 pins of 250 would negatively impact libido.

Guessing that everyone on this site would tell you to get bloodwork but not be too concerned. But then they would notice you site testicular atrophy as one of your side effects. The experienced user is at the very least going to take clomid for a few weeks. Some may even start off with a few weeks of hcg and run clomid for a solid month after the hcg. Hcg is known to restore testicular volume faster but personally I would concern myself with signaling my body to produce I would stick with clomid. Just to be cautious I would run 25mg per day for 3 or 4 weeks.

Have you cycled before? Did your previous cycle have the same side effects? Your atrophy seems premature. The bloodwork will tell the tale but what you seem to be experiencing is precisely why so many caution the use of anabolics. Its largely bro science. In the absence of bloodwork it is 100% bro science.

In closing I would just like to remind everyone......any cycle of anabolics should be followed by pct. The shorter the cycle the shorter the pct. In this case the cycle was not a cycle at all and pct would generally be deemed unnecessary. HOWEVER, in this case the user is experiencing sides, thus PCT is warranted.

Hope this helps in some way
Three pins, a cycle does not make. Not one person on this site has done least I hope not. Lol

Of course there have been tons of persons who have pinned test a few times and stopped. My biggest fear is to see the number of those who have pinned or done an oral only a few times and not come here to ask for advice.
Of course there have been tons of persons who have pinned test a few times and stopped. My biggest fear is to see the number of those who have pinned or done an oral only a few times and not come here to ask for advice.

The only way I'm stopping is if I run out :)
If im not mistaken thats whats engraved in Rich Pianas gravestone.

Then I've got 5 more years to see what I can do. Then I'll be the age he was at death.
All joking aside.....I plan on blasting and trt for 3 or 4 more years. I'm in it now. Gotta see if I can get where I wanna be.
Then I've got 5 more years to see what I can do. Then I'll be the age he was at death.
All joking aside.....I plan on blasting and trt for 3 or 4 more years. I'm in it now. Gotta see if I can get where I wanna be.

What's after 3-4 years? Going to hang it up and go couch potato?
What's after 3-4 years? Going to hang it up and go couch potato?

Probably gonna chill out a little on the cycles and just do trt. Well.....that's what I think right now. 6 or 7 more cycles? Sounds about right. Will probably throw some deca in somewhere. Tried dianabol early in this one and will again toward the end of it. I guess my point was that if in a few more years I am still not happy with where I'm at then its probably time to chill out. This shit is pretty hard on the old heart......wanna live to see grandkids :)
I said I was only ever going to do one cycle (remember I was 5.8 and 56kg when i started, granted a lot of the muscle loss or lack thereoff was mostly from drug abuse but still...)
First cycle I gained about 6 kilos but later added some fat(stop training, fucking girls etc) so went up to 66kg.

I was expecting so much more so figured I'll do one more cycle because now i know my shit, yeh right lol.... Started second cycle at 66.6kg
Was up to 74kg but high estrogen with way to much GH had about 3kg water retention, which I dropped in like a week after stopping GH and adding asin.
Just before the hairline fracture I was at 72.3kg or smt and looking awesome...

So now I know its gonna be minimum 2 more cycles to reach the goal I've always had in mind.

Which is 75kg at 8-9% bodyfat. Only thing I know is that I cant and dont want to go over 80kg, as that would change me from fitness look to bodybuilding. And I dont bodybuilding look.

My point being... Do we ever really stop once we started?
Last edited: let's have many cycles has everyone here done and did you ever arrive where ya wanna be? Perhaps this should be it's own thread. Lol let's have many cycles has everyone here done and did you ever arrive where ya wanna be? Perhaps this should be it's own thread. Lol

Done 2 cycles, about to do my third.
Fucked the first one royally with only a short 6 week cycle. Second cycle was far better but injured myself and diet was lacking so lost most gains.
I will need the upcoming and one more cycle to reach the goal i've set out and had for years which is 75-77kg and 8ish% bodyfat.

Will I do more cycles after that? Probably short summer blasts just to get that hardness and its easier to live that lifestyle when you're on, at least for me.
This is all excluding last tren run didnt fuck myself over and I actually need to go on TRT, if thats the case. I doubt i'll actually blast and just keep my values top range all year around.
I gain fairly good naturally so essentially raising my natty test 2.5x would do a dramatic difference and help me keep me at my goals, would aim for 1250ng/dl.
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wow a 6 week cycle? how old where you when this happened? its not like you to do this as you know alot about gear etc.
also to get that hardness that you want and what we all aim for as well what will your diet look like, what compounds, supps, oils will you take to cut the bf% back?
wow a 6 week cycle? how old where you when this happened? its not like you to do this as you know alot about gear etc.
also to get that hardness that you want and what we all aim for as well what will your diet look like, what compounds, supps, oils will you take to cut the bf% back?

It was a case of "I know better than my PT thats competition several times, who has 20 years experience"
With that said, I'd say last 6-12months. I've realized how little he actually knew and how bad advices he's given people.
With this "hobby" you either let someone else gamble your health/life or you are serious enough to take the time to learn what the fuck you're doing and what happens to your body.

Far as 6 week cycle, this was only like 1.5-2 years ago(timelines aint my thing).
I read an article that both seem legit and advocated something like this:
You can run more cycles per year, you'll have faster recovery, less side effects and the only drawback is pinning frequency.

And the reason I ignored pretty much everyone (I'M NOT BLAMING!!!) about tren is the fact that ology has this written whenever OP writes "tren"
"Trenbolone - One of the most powerful injectable anabolics in the bodybuilding community, tren is a 19-nor compound much like deca. It is known for its high anabolic and androgenic rating. Tren does not aromatize, but will increase prolactin levels in the body. It is both hepatoxic and hard on the kidneys, it will also reduce the users natural T3 production. Tren also increases feed efficiency."

Yeh... Say that to someone with a history of drug abuse and still believe shortcuts exists and you got a recipe for GIVE ME TREN, ITS THE BEST...
Shit... You should start with "Trenbolone - One of the most horrible steriods when it comes to side effects, 19-nor is also a fun gamble. Then you can add the rest lol."

But i'm humbled that you think i know my shit... Makes me happy, specially considering the time spent learning and being here.
And still tankmanbob makes me look like a noob at least once per week lol
And JP only says it between the lines in our PM's lol.

But from bottom of my heart...
I would know nothing and be nothing in this community without:

Thanks for all the knowledge/experience, time, patience, hand holding and just being bro's and supporting me in my times of panic and generally being there when I've needed it the most.
Love you all and wish you all the best 2019!!! :)
also to get that hardness that you want and what we all aim for as well what will your diet look like, what compounds, supps, oils will you take to cut the bf% back?

I hired 3J for 6 months last cycle, so I have a few food plans. Think I have one 2k, 2,4, 3k and 3k+ food plans. I also plan on hiring him for 3-6 months around week 10 when i start anavar. To tune in diet, see where I'm at and have enough time to start cutting after maintenance phase.
With that said... I'm gonna use it as a baseline.
Biggest diet changes will not come from actual eating, it will all be about consistency and avoiding sugar. Sugar will be my hardest issue to overcome. I hate water for example, and drink "saft"(like juice concentrate you mix yourself), so that is a focus to stop.
The dilution i drink is about 4-6g sugar per 100 ml and I often drink 1-2 liters per day. Candy, sodas etc, thats no problem. After 2 weeks I dont even think about it and worst case protein bars still exist.

Compounds is set (Can look in my thread "My next cycle ....)
Will be:
500 masteron
400 test e
Last 6 weeks 80mg anavar split doses.

Supps are the standards i'd say:
MSM, Glucosamine (joints)
Omega3, D-vitamin, Magnesium, zink (comes prepackaged as "Health essentials" so very convenient.
I also add niacin (non flush)
Coq10 + Hawthorne berry (one pill)
Occasional potassium citrate (still have bottle from last cycle)
Occasional mangan (almost out from last cycle)
Daily vits/minerals. 1 complete pill
Beta-alanine (didnt notice a difference or that tingling and was doing grams per day, so might skip it)
BCAA pills (No more magic brews of shakes...)
EAA pills (No more magic brews of shakes...)
NAC (Finally bought pill machine, ugh the taste. + Milkthistle. Will be Only liver support, blood work shows my body responds extremely well to nac alone, and again can finally make pills of the horrible tasting poop
Protein powder, gonna splurge and find something with a few extra carbs so it dont taste shit...)
Cassein powder, gonna splurge and find something with a few extra carbs so it dont taste shit...)

I wanna add something anon44 has been hyping but cant find the thread or name.
Its along L-Tyrosine area chemicals)
I'm considering buying MCT oil.

I've let myself go, i'm about 18% bodyfat as of right now.
So got about 10% to drop, but i aint worried.

This time, i wont rush cycle and biggest issue last cycle was money... Had just bought house, spent shitton on GH and couldn't afford eating kilos of meat per day.
So when everything is organized, written down, doubled check, verified here etc. I simply wont start it.
Be it in 1 month or 6 month.
Only my discipline can decide that.
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I hired 3J for 6 months last cycle, so I have a few food plans. Think I have one 2k, 2,4, 3k and 3k+ food plans. I also plan on hiring him for 3-6 months around week 10 when i start anavar. To tune in diet, see where I'm at and have enough time to start cutting after maintenance phase.
With that said... I'm gonna use it as a baseline.
Biggest diet changes will not come from actual eating, it will all be about consistency and avoiding sugar. Sugar will be my hardest issue to overcome. I hate water for example, and drink "saft"(like juice concentrate you mix yourself), so that is a focus to stop.
The dilution i drink is about 4-6g sugar per 100 ml and I often drink 1-2 liters per day. Candy, sodas etc, thats no problem. After 2 weeks I dont even think about it and worst case protein bars still exist.

Compounds is set (Can look in my thread "My next cycle ....)
Will be:
500 masteron
400 test e
Last 6 weeks 80mg anavar split doses.

Supps are the standards i'd say:
MSM, Glucosamine (joints)
Omega3, D-vitamin, Magnesium, zink (comes prepackaged as "Health essentials" so very convenient.
I also add niacin (non flush)
Coq10 + Hawthorne berry (one pill)
Occasional potassium citrate (still have bottle from last cycle)
Occasional mangan (almost out from last cycle)
Daily vits/minerals. 1 complete pill
Beta-alanine (didnt notice a difference or that tingling and was doing grams per day, so might skip it)
BCAA pills (No more magic brews of shakes...)
EAA pills (No more magic brews of shakes...)
NAC (Finally bought pill machine, ugh the taste. + Milkthistle. Will be Only liver support, blood work shows my body responds extremely well to nac alone, and again can finally make pills of the horrible tasting poop
Protein powder, gonna splurge and find something with a few extra carbs so it dont taste shit...)
Cassein powder, gonna splurge and find something with a few extra carbs so it dont taste shit...)

I wanna add something anon44 has been hyping but cant find the thread or name.
Its along L-Tyrosine area chemicals)
I'm considering buying MCT oil.

I've let myself go, i'm about 18% bodyfat as of right now.
So got about 10% to drop, but i aint worried.

This time, i wont rush cycle and biggest issue last cycle was money... Had just bought house, spent shitton on GH and couldn't afford eating kilos of meat per day.
So when everything is organized, written down, doubled check, verified here etc. I simply wont start it.
Be it in 1 month or 6 month.
Only my discipline can decide that.

Did 3J recomend all these supps or is it your idea?