shutdown, balls atrophied


New member
I'm 3 weeks into post cycle therapy (pct) after a 6 months test. cycle (500mg/week)
I'm doing a nolva only post cycle therapy (pct) and I still haven't noticed any signs of recovery
my balls haven't grown a bit and I have absolutely no sex drive..
I know I should have used HCG during the cycle but I didnt have the possibility to get any back then..
Should I just give it some more time with the nolva or should I add some HCG now and perhaps even some clomid? any ideas on what to do?
i would have started clomid for definate when you stopped taking the test, it was a seriuosly long cycle and yer have a shot of hcg it wont hurt
How much nolva are you using?

wanttogetbig said:
yer have a shot of hcg it wont hurt

Well, it could cause some desentization and suppress LH levels.
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prozak said:
I'm 3 weeks into post cycle therapy (pct) after a 6 months test. cycle (500mg/week)
I'm doing a nolva only post cycle therapy (pct) and I still haven't noticed any signs of recovery
my balls haven't grown a bit and I have absolutely no sex drive..
I know I should have used HCG during the cycle but I didnt have the possibility to get any back then..
Should I just give it some more time with the nolva or should I add some HCG now and perhaps even some clomid? any ideas on what to do?

Thats low dosage: you may have to do TRT?
Mulligan said:
Meaning: My Balls Never Shut Down in that Low Dosage.

He may have screwed himself up!!!!

1- 500mg/week is not a low dosage.
2- You nuts may not have atrophied, but I'll guarentee you that your HPTA was shut down, and you stop producing your own testosterone.
3- It's a little premature to suggest he's screwed and might need lifetime TRT.
You should contact SWALE. He will be able to help you. He specializes in this sort of thing. You will probably have to do some bloodwork. You can find him on Good luck ! Six months is a long time so it may take a long time to get back.
I'm not sure if I'd hit up the HCG during post cycle therapy (pct) route just because you could fuck up your nads, even though some advocate it. I'd try going with a clomid post cycle therapy (pct) and see if that helps, maybe even run 10mg/day nolva during.

Day1:300mg (or just 100mg)
2-12: 100mg ed
13-21:50mg ed
22-28: 25mg ed
I used 40mg nolva ED for the two first weeks and now I'm on 20mg ED.

I've done a similar cycle before (test @ 500mg/week), although for 12 weeks but I've recovered without any problems using Clomid..
So I should add some Clomid? ..but I thought Nolva was just as good as clomid for PCT, if not even better?
prozak said:
I've done a similar cycle before (test @ 500mg/week), although for 12 weeks but I've recovered without any problems using Clomid..

Yeah, but there is a huge difference between 12 weeks and 6 months. The longer you are on the longer it is going to take to recover your natural testosterone production.

prozak said:
So I should add some Clomid? ..but I thought Nolva was just as good as clomid for PCT, if not even better?

Depends on who you ask. Some will say it is redundant while others will say it is definitely a good idea. Research the subject and come to your own conclusions. That's usually the best thing that we can do.

Have you had any bloodwork done to see where you are at in terms of recovery? Is it possible to get some done?
prozak said:
I used 40mg nolva ED for the two first weeks and now I'm on 20mg ED.
prozak what ester did you use and also you said your 3 wks post cycle therapy (pct) does this mean you are about 5 wks from last inject or did you use prop and started next day?
berealjohn said:
prozak what ester did you use and also you said your 3 wks post cycle therapy (pct) does this mean you are about 5 wks from last inject or did you use prop and started next day?
I am 2 months post cycle and am complete recovered! I run test-E 500mg/wk for 45wks( sometimes I bump it to 750/wk) Ihad HCG on hand , but did not use it, for about week 10 I incorperated nolva 5-10mg EOD ( depending on what the mirror said ) the remainder of cycle. I promise after after adding the nolva my nuz hypertrophy during cycle! I ran in this manner until 10 days post cycle and upped to 40mgED 10 days ,30 10day,20 10days & closed out with 10 for 7 days. I felt as though I hit the wall 25 days post last inject ( mild depression, weakness, etc.). I changed my training and snapped out of it in a couple of days. I feel completely recovered! I guess I am one lucky MOFO, because this is not the traditional response I expected! It is as if I recovered better than when running 12 weeks, but in the 12 weeker's I add deca usually!
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