Side Effects w/ 1st cycle. Need Help!


New member
Hey peeps, I'm in need of some help with side effects and could use any help asap. My guy is taking for ever to get back with me. Well anyways, I started my cycle last Monday 5/13. I am on Liquid Dbol 50mg/ed and Test C 200mg twice a week Monday and Thursday. I've been having issues as followed:

1) Shortness of breath
2) Hard time sleeping due to being so hot and sweating. Face has been red and flushed (possible high blood pressure I assume)
3) Nipples have gotten a bit bigger and more tender
4) Lower back stiffness (back pumps?)

I do have Clomid and Nolva on hand. Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Ok, so what do I do with my current cycle? Cut down on the dbol, say 25mg a day rather than 50?
Metalhead's advice pertains to your current cycle. You should have started an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to begin with and now your estrogen is probably sky-high due to the dbol aromatizing out of control. Cutting it down to 25mg *might* help, but you REALLY need to pick up that aromatase-inhibitor as that's what is causing 3 out of 4 of your problems. Dropping the dbol down may help with number 4 as back pumps are common with the drug. I'd pick up some taurine and make sure you have plenty of electrolytes replacing the ones you're sweating out.

I sure hope you have a proper PCT lined up as you're off to a shaky start as-is. ;)
You can or stop it until you get your liquidex. Dbol aromatizes alot more than test does, so getting liquidex quickly will be very beneficial. you can look into l-taurine to take care of the back pumps...(halfwit info :))
Damn Metal, are you going to leave any questions for others to answer?? Hahaha. I guess that about sums it up OP
If your nipples are getting bigger/sensitive, start using nolva at 10 mg ed until the symptoms go away. Then when you get adex or aromasin you can stick with one of those. It also wouldn't hurt to get your bp checked, you might want to keep an eye on that, but I think as you get used to the gear those symptoms will go away. Did you get pre cycle bw?
I just took my first nolva earlier. My guy gave me a bunch and like you said 10mg ed until it's better. I also went to wal mart earlier and check all my stats on their new machine. My blood pressure is a lot higher than what it was a few weeks ago at my dr's. My bp was 135/85! Not so good. Now should I still buy some Liquidex?..

@ Halfwit, I do have pct lined up. I have nolvadex and clomid. I was curious about starting an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) but my guy said no. I guess people have mixed opinions on that but I probably should have seeing I'm getting these sides so quickly.
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Yes ,you need to run a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) through out your whole cycle. The Aromatase inhibitor (AI) can help with your bp and nips. Keep taking the nolva until you get your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at .0625 a day or .125 eod.
Well day 2 of the nolva and I'm doing way better. The sensitivity went down and my blood pressure is back to normal. @ BigUps, what do you recommend? Should I take the nolva everyday or eod? Not sure what you meant by getting my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at .0625 or .125 eod.
People usually dose nolva 20 to40 mg a day for several days while on post cycle therapy (pct). Since your are taking it to block estrogen in place of your Aromatase inhibitor (AI), you may not have to dose that high. Try 20mg/day and if you start to feel any side increase the dose. It really depends on the person.

As far as the Aromatase inhibitor (AI), i was talking about the dosage. 6.25mg per day or 12.5mg eod is usually enough to keep estrogen under control.
Ok thanks man. Right now I have a bag full of 10mg nolva's and that's what I've been taking. Felling better so thats good. Thanks again for the help!
Ok thanks man. Right now I have a bag full of 10mg nolva's and that's what I've been taking. Felling better so thats good. Thanks again for the help!

No problem. Just remember to keep estrogen levels in check. Good luck and enjoy the ride!
So then still buy the liquidex off this site? A few years ago I bought off this site and the site is fake. The test 600x and Dbol.
Always do your research prior to starting a cycle. Everything you need to know is here in the archives or just ask. The advice given here so far is right on the money so pay attention and take notes.
So then still buy the liquidex off this site? A few years ago I bought off this site and the site is fake. The test 600x and Dbol.

Nolva blocks the receptor from binding with estrogen so by taking it all your doing is preventing it from causing gyno. You still have high estrogen levels in your blood which more than likely is the cause of the high BP and other sides. Get an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like aromasin or Arimidex from the red lion at the top of the forum.

Side note: if you decide to get Arimidex STOP nolva immediately. Nolva and Arimidex have a drug interaction and the nolva will reduce the efficacy of the Arimidex. Adex should take care of all your estrogen related issues in its own but if you're seriously worried about it get aromasin and you can keep the nolva and aromasin together.
I would also cut the Dbol back to 25 or 30, at least until everything is better. How are you taking the dbol? All 50mg at once or how do you break it up throughout the day? 50mg all at once if you've never taken it before could cause shortness of breath, high resting heart rate, light headedness, ect. I know you're already into your cycle, but I would say start dbol at like 30mg for the first week and then start bumping it up to see how you tolerate it. 50mg a day is also enough that I would run some liver protection, but that's me.