significant other realizing mass gain... shoot me excuses

You NEVER tell your wife or anyone... A fish never gets caught unless it opens its mouth.

Fish never gets caught unless it opens its mouth? Ever hear of a thing called a net?

What a way to destroy a marriage by having your wife catch you in a huge lie. And she will figure it out. Women aren't stupid.s
I am going to be starting a bulking cycle soon, so I talked to my wife about it. The good thing about being on TRT is that she already sees some of the wonderful benefits of anabolic steroids. I have also told her many of the things discussed on this forum, showing her that body builders can (and often are) very well informed people. She has seen how much I have learned from here AND how little my doctor actually knows...since doctors are the benchmark for medical knowledge, any place that knows more than the average doctor MUST be good, right?

Along with telling her the gains, I also told her all the risks (well, the ones that actually have a chance of happening)...and then what will be done to mitigate those risks. One of the reasons I married her is because she is quite brilliant. She asked pointed questions, I had answers to most, researched the rest. She is cautiously on board with it, but reserves a veto right she can call in at any time if things appear to be spiraling out of control and I do not see it (or choose not to stop it). I can easily live with that - she has my best interests in mind. She has seen my transformation under 3Js guidance so far, so any cycles will also be under his guidance. Balancing this is my past problems with Androgel. I was one of the lucky 1% who got the mental side effects of anxiety, dysphoria, depersonalization, fear, and paranoia. Try telling someone that they are having horrible side effects when there is also paranoia involved...yeah, not good at all - she was out to get me, not help me...

Important things should never be hidden in a marriage. You should also never have to be someone you are not. If you use gear and work out hard, that is a big part of who you are and your spouse needs to come to terms with it. But most of it is on you, not your significant other. You need to present it properly and to show that her feelings really are important and DO matter. Kindness and empathy goes a long way.
I will never start getting serious with a girl until she knows about my aas usage. Besides, im on this shit for life. She has no choice but to be supportive otherwise ill find someone who is.
I told my wife straight up and she got mad, but then she accepted it and liked it. If she's not into that lifestyle then forget about it my dude. Shit my mother, brother, and wife know what I do. Better to let loved ones in on what you are doing, and if they care they will accept it.
So I'm running var and test. Starting to put on some size.
Lifting consistently for 5 yrs and cycled before and she knows.

I can't admit to it because that'd be the end. I've been bragging about new years resolution and I've been dieting and hitting the gym hard.

Today she said she's gunna take a picture to make sure I'm not growing fast.. I replied with no way really you think I look bigger ? He'll yeah. Playing stupid.

Any suggestions?? Lolol thx.

pick up some amino sorry a new protein/creatine and chalk it up to that brother. I've been there.
Your significant other will obviously know something is going on as soon as you touch aas. You can try to lie all you want, but they know and are waiting for you to tell the truth. And the longer you lie, the more strain it'll cause on your relationship. If it's a girl you want to marry, then you're better off getting clean and telling her. Imagine what would happen if she catches you sticking a needle after lying to her for months