site injection needle question


New member
when shooting the bi's and tri's, what pin length and what gauge are you all using? how much you guys shooting at one time?

i use 25g 5/8inch and it works good. i do up to 3cc in delt and 2cc in each tri and bi. but to start id do less than that, maybe start with 1 cc.
fuzzy-1 said:
i use 25g 5/8inch and it works good. i do up to 3cc in delt and 2cc in each tri and bi. but to start id do less than that, maybe start with 1 cc.

same here, 25g 5/8" for spot injections
I use the 25 gauge, 5/8" pins too. I've also used 1 inch but that's a bit deep. My arms are only 16-17".

I think its better to shoot into the glutes if they are available. The termporary extra size you get in the arms is kinda fun but a little uncomfortable sometimes. I do it not in the hope of getting extra site growth, but just because when using trenbolone I need every site I can get.

I've put up to 3 ccs but that's really too much for my arms. I do no more than 2 ccs, 1 1/2 is better. I only do arms once a week, alternating bis one week and tris the next.
i stick to bis only, tris are just to uncomortable. 25 5/8 is th epin of choice, i gennerally dont go over 2cc, buit have before
bigpresser said:
KICK ASS!! I was wondering about this. also, does propionate flow easily in a 25g pin?? thanks!!:)
I shoot all my gear through a 25g pin...takes a lil longer, but its worth it IMO just dont try to drain with a 25g cuz its slower than the second coming of christ and if you try and shoot with that same needle it doesnt poke through the skin very easily