slin cycle, anti-aromatase properties


New member
I need some advice with my first slin cycle.

25yrs old
Bodyfat: around 13% (i'm ok with anything lower then 15 right now)

This is my 6th cycle, i'ill be using slin for the first time starting next month, until then i pretend to drop 10lbs of fat (i'm using ECA and syntrhoid)

My plan is something like that:
Weeks 1-5: 750mg Test (sust)/week
Weeks 1-2: 50mg abomb
Weeks 3-4: 100mg abomb
Weeks 1-4: 10IU post workout (starting with 2IU and increasing 2IU per day)
Weeks 6-12: 500mg Test/week
Weeks 6-7: 75mg Tren enth EOD
I'ill be using APIDRA, a fast acting slin (onset 15min, peak 30min, duration 3h). my post workout shake taken immediately after the slin shot will consist of:
50g dextrose, 100g maltodextrin, 60g whey, 8g creatine
30min later: 30g dextrose, 70g maltodextrin, 50g whey
1h30min later: a full meal (500g lean red meet and rice).
My plan is to consume around 4000kcal, with 300g of protein.

Also, I usually run 500mg test without any AIs and with no estrogenic side effects. I known that with 750 there is a increasing risk of aromatization. On the other hand i've read in some articles that slin exhibits mild anti-aromatase properties, do i need to run some sort of Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with it?

Thank you in advance!
welcome to ology

IMOo pick a dose and stick with it maybe do
600 mg a week test
75 mg a day of drol
dont run slin so i dont have a comment there
not sure you didnt have a typo when you put down 6-7 tren eth , surely thats not what you meant ?

as for as a anti e i would probablly start aromasin at the start . begin with 6.25-12.5 mg a day and adjust if necessary.
From weeks 1-5 i'll be training around 4-5, maybe 6 times/week while from 6-12, 2-4 times, so i figure it would be a waste to run 750 the whole time.

The tren idea is to try to maintain some of the strength from the abomb and slin, tren is very expansive with my source, so i'm not running it for longer, but maybe its just a stupid idea to run so little for such a short period.

I was thinking of running 0.25mg of letrozole instead of aromasin, because its cheaper here.

thank you for your help
From weeks 1-5 i'll be training around 4-5, maybe 6 times/week while from 6-12, 2-4 times, so i figure it would be a waste to run 750 the whole time.

The tren idea is to try to maintain some of the strength from the abomb and slin, tren is very expansive with my source, so i'm not running it for longer, but maybe its just a stupid idea to run so little for such a short period.

I was thinking of running 0.25mg of letrozole instead of aromasin, because its cheaper here.

thank you for your help

tren eth for 2 weeks is a waste , save the money . keep your doses the same , dont base it around a little difference in training because you dont grow in the gym , you grow when resting / eating. letro is harsh and to strong for most people . if you cant get aromasin can you get arimidex ?
i can get arimidex. the thing is i can get letro for 200days for the some price i can get arimidex for 20, but it's not such that big of a deal anyway
i can get arimidex. the thing is i can get letro for 200days for the some price i can get arimidex for 20, but it's not such that big of a deal anyway

if you get letro ONLY use it if blood pressure goes up or REAL gyno symptoms occur . then only use the least amount to control symptoms.
I was able to get my hands on some letro, and will be running 0.625mg EOD in case any sides appears. i can't divide the 2.5mg pills any further so it ill have to be EOD instead of ED.

About the anti-aromatase properties of slin, i've found a article that says:

“I have no other big tips to offer, except (I'd) use insulin as much as possible while on a heavy cycle. Since I'm getting gyno while using anti-estrogens, I have to say that the anti-aromatase ability of insuli!n is next to non-existent.* “ (

other than that i have no other info on this. anyone else heard about this?